Supernatural Attack

Narcolepsy is described as a spontaneous attack of deep sleep, a state of being that renders one unconscious for a short period of time, this occurrence normally takes place during the day, I believe that when we are dealing with that which is unknown to us that we must exhaust all rational explanation, that is before we look to the esoteric for a cause or cure, and further it has been my experience that a cause or cure can almost always be found through the exploration of the esoteric arts. Most recently I worked with a client who suffered from what his doctor called sudden-deep-sleep-syndrome, I am not sure if there is even such a thing or not, but, I do know that in the case of my client the diagnosis was delivered by a false prophet, for the good doctor was part of an elaborate esoteric scheme cooked up by my clients ex-wife to cause him harm and harm him they did, not only physically, but, mentally he was a wreck seemingly beyond repair! He never knew whe ...

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Focus Not!

Those of you who are facing hardships in relation to your love life, finances, as well as other aspects of your life need not overly focus on the negativity! I can always tell when someone is having a hard time because they are looking for excuses for what they are going through, instead of looking for solutions! I have always heard throughout my life that if you are not part of the solution, well, then you are part of the problem, 80% of the folks that I deal with has the ability to see that for what it is worth and because they are determined that they are going to shift their life-energy and manifest their desires the outcome to their magical workings will almost always bear fruit and as we know in some cases it will take a while for things to turn around and be as we want it to be, there is simply no place for instant gratification when it comes to dealing with love or even prosperity spells! Magic is a pure energy and when you are working a spell where t ...

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Love Envy

You've loved and lost and you feel as if the entire world has turned against you! Love doesn't come easy and it never comes without sacrifice and a price, just take a look around you, I bet you turn green with envy when you see the image of what you hold the perfect couple to be, but, if you were able to take a closer look, you might just find that their relationship is not at all perfect! The truth is that each and every relationship that we partake in will have both positive and negative aspects, for balance must be present throughout our entire life experience, a life lived out of balance is a life navigated through the darkness of a blindfold and lived with the never ending pang of denial, for it is a fools journey to live life with a blind-eye to the negativity that exist in both our external and internal worlds. Here in Atlanta there is a group of new age folks that I call our light and love fairies, these people absolutely fall apart anytime a little negative energy creeps its ...

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Energy Wasted

There are those among us who will never realize a return on their magical efforts, some people are so caught up in their own web of negativity that they simply cannot break free from it and as they continue to spin their web of self pity they isolate themselves from anyone and everyone who tries to help them, you cannot spew venom and expect someone to lend you a hand, it is for this reason that I do not handle snakes, at least with a snake you always know where you stand and you know that there is a fifty percent chance that a snake will bite you. I love my clients and I try in everyway that I can to help them deal with their issues, most of my clients are reasonable individuals who understand that the universe is not aiming at the target on their backs, the universe is not using me, you or anyone else for target practice, believe it or not you are at the very least fifty-percent responsible for the drama in your life, and you need to keep in mind that the people you have chosen to i ...

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Life Path

A Witch walks his or her path with one foot in this world and one foot in the next, as a Witch my third eye opened at a very young age and as I reached puberty my senses heightened beyond belief. I recall one instance at the age of ten where I described my sister's apartment perfectly to my mother and grandmother, in spite of the fact that none of us had ever been there. I also told my mother that my sister would be contacting her through a man in which my mother had not seen in a very long time, that man turned out to be one of my mothers ex-husbands, in all she had seven ex-husbands and one she married twice, she married him on a Monday only to have the marriage annulled on the following Friday in the same week, in retrospect I always felt doomed when it came to relationships, in my family it was no big secret that out of my mother's four children that I was the most like her, especially in temperament, my mother had a very low tolerance for nonsense and so do I, althou ...

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The heart don't lie, but it is true that emotions tend to get in the way of our ability to approach a situation rationally! How do we determine what is or is not real? How do we discern between what we desire and what is truly best for our spiritual progress in this lifetime? People contact me daily through the site, the majority of them are dealing with heart related issues, some are trying to get over a lover and of course there are those which I would say are the majority who are trying to reunite and reconnect with the one that they love! A magical process can help in either scenario, and positive results can be achieved and each of us can and will at some point reap the fruits of our magical casting! There are some Witches who frown at the casting of a love spell, and there are some who frown at the casting of a money spell, my philosophy and belief h as always been that the Goddess granted us the ability as magical beings to create our own reality and ove ...

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You've come a long way baby, but you still have a ways to go, life is full of lessons and there are no tougher lessons than the ones that are connected with our love relationships. Within the confines and framework of this mystical universe that we live in, each of us must find a way to believe, no, a belief in magic is not necessary in order for a love spell to manifest, and although it is not necessary it is to say the least helpful. Each of us have a path that we must walk, the majority of the time our path is light filled and our guides and guardians are there to show us the way, when the pathway of our life grows dark, when our heart is at its heaviest it is at that moment that we must find a way to believe, again a belief in magic is not necessary, but a belief in self is, a belief that you are worthy and that you are deserving and that happiness is yours for the taking, in life we are not granted a well of endless happiness, nor are we condemned to a life of miser ...

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Troubled Times

Trouble times are dead ahead, inflation, deflation, credit crunch, mortgage crisis, what's next? The bottom line is that we cannot live in fear, and I do believe strongly in the old adage that it takes money to make money, but, you do not have to be rich to manifest what you need in life, nor, do you have to go through life in need all of the time, you can have what you need to sustain a quality way of life without the constant struggle, you only need to decide what needs are important to you and prioritize them, and you also need to release yourself from a poverty consciousness, wealth is but a state of mind, money and property are the manifestations of wealth in the material and physical sense, poverty on the other-hand is a symptom of the erosion of our self-image and a breakdown in our belief that we can rise above our circumstances and manifest our wants, needs and desires! If you fear foreclosure your house is as good as gone, if you fear bankruptcy you are bankrupt long before ...

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Mystical Happenings

Silence your mind and find your still point, allow peace and tranquility to wash over you, chaos begets chaos and confusion only brings about more conflict and inner turmoil, through the process of silencing your mind and finding your still point true change can be instituted, for when the mind races out of control running wild with thought and the heart beats fast and heavy overwrought with emotion valuable time and energy is lost! As humans go we are conditioned at a very young age to work from a place of emotions or in some cases non-emotions, girls are taught to be nurturing and compassionate, and by default boys are taught to be cold and calculating, to be a true man is to show no emotion, better it is to be cold and tough than to be a candy ass sissy boy, it is no wonder that the world is as screwed up as it is, but I am sure that it could be worse! Engaging in non productive activity is useless, here are some good examples of the type of activity, statements and q ...

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Witch's Dread

Heart-beats out a thunderous scream, lights flash and mirrors gleam, prickly hairs rearing tall on the backs of their neck as the ravens caw, trouble times are dead ahead for those who ignore the Witch's dread, Witch's eyes light up the night, silver star burning bright, a curse we fear as trouble unfolds-a curse we fear of a future untold, heed the warning of the Witch's hound, for howl he will as trouble abounds, bringing news of the grim in his growl foretelling a future once bright that will turn deadly upon this night, moss and mold hang everywhere-negative magic is in the air. Black magicians conjuring hard to raise the dead out in the yard, the wheel of the year spins out of control, where will this night take us nobody knows, conjure, conjuring, raise and rise, black spirits to the moon take wings and fly, encircle the maiden thrice abound-deosil in reverse is where she can be found! Fear not the night in which you misunderstand and keep the uninvited spirits ...

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