Frequently Asked Questions

Payment For Services

I do not offer refunds or guarantees on spells and rituals.

In order to obtain results you must stay focused on your goals, and maintain a positive outlook. Your attitude, actions, and thoughts will either help or hinder your process. Once I have started your work you are not entitled to a refund, so, please order with care.

I charge nominal fees for my services; the gravity and seriousness of your situation will factor into the cost.

I try to make every effort to keep my services affordable, I realize that not everyone is independently wealthy; however, please keep in mind that just as with any other business there are costs that I incur in order to keep the website online and functional, in addition to the costs of my website, there are the initial supplies that I need to cast your spell or conduct your ritual.

I accept payment in the following methods:

  1. PayPal: This is the fastest and most secure way to get your work started.
  2. Credit Card: I do accept payment by credit or debit card, to make arrangements to pay via this method please contact me through your profile for instructions.

I do not accept personal checks.

This is a very simple question to answer, if I offered my services for free I would not be able to offer my services at all, my bills just like yours have to be paid and if people lack the common sense to realize this, well, need I say more, there is a reason that their life is a mess!

Phone Readings

Yes, and Psychic Phone Readings are approximately 30 minutes in length. Readings are paid, and booked in advance, my reading schedule tends to book 30 to 60 days in advance. Phone Readings are only available to clients in the United States and Canada. 

Results And Guarantees

Here at you will not find any guarantees on love spells or spells of any kind, you will not find promises that my products will work for you; in fact, the only promise, or guarantee that you will find is that you will be treated with RESPECT, KINDNESS, and COMPASSION, and that I will work with you in any way that I can to HELP you solve your problems and bring closure or new beginnings into your life.

Every situation is as unique as the client that I am working for; therefore, the rate of manifestation for a ritual for any single individual will vary!

I will not predict nor offer guarantees on time frames or the outcome of any ritual that I do for you, you as the petitioner of the spell or ritual can either help or hinder your magical process!

Your actions, attitude and overall mindset will impact the energy of your spell or ritual; therefore, it is imperative to maintain a positive outlook before, during, and after your spell casting!

The truth is they cannot guarantee the outcome of any esoteric working; any practitioner worth his or her salt will not compromise their ethics in this manner.

The end result is highly dependent on the client’s ability to accept advice and guidance, and to do so with an open mind and heart, to approach your magic with a closed mind is self defeating!l

In the 25 years or so that I have done this work professionally, I have only witnessed a handful of results that manifested this rapidly, so the odds are that the Psychic or Practitioner is not being truthful with you!

Matters of the heart, particularly involving love triangles will need more time to manifest and to turn the situation around in favor of the petitioner, the individual who is requesting the spells or rituals, the more people involved in any given situation, the more complicated it becomes, complicated yes, impossible no!

If I were the one seeking help, and a Practitioner made the above statement to me that would be a red flag, and would be enough to send me on my way in search of honest and ethical help!

Rituals and Spells

I am a Witch, not only am I trained in the art of witchcraft, I am a skilled root worker, I was trained by one of the best, in magic you will find that there are many different techniques, and processes to achieve a desired outcome, using roots is just one of many, root work for me is a family tradition.

Magic is magic, the only difference between black magic and white magic is the will, and determination of the practitioner. I am a Witch, and I practice White Magic. I strongly believe in the law of karma, and that there is always a better way of handling things, rather than resorting to black magic!

The rituals that I offer under the special offer section of the website are discounted considerably, I offer these strictly to clients that I am currently working with. If someone is having a hard time maintaining  a positive focus,  which is imperative to the desired outcome of their spell casting or ritual work, having additional spells cast, or rituals conducted can help get them back on track with their focus and push their magic into fruition once and for all!

I am no longer providing amulets for the Kundalini binding, or amulets of any kind as far as that is concerned. You will not receive any shipments from me at this time for any ritual or spell that I may conduct on your behalf.

At this time I have stopped including amulets, candles, oils, incenses and root bags with my work, you will not receive any shipments from me at this time for any ritual or spell that I may conduct on your behalf and this includes the Kundalini Binding.

There will be times that I include a magical/esoteric item with a ritual, if an item is included you will see that reflected in the schedule you receive in your inbox outlining your work.

No, amulets are ritual tools that are empowered with the energy from the work that is done on your behalf, the amulet is not the actual ritual or spell that is conducted and is not necessary for you to achieve your desired results from your ritual or spell casting!

Rituals normally take place over a period of time; most of my rituals will last three days or longer.

A spell is normally cast once, and during the various stages of the moon, spells to manifest your heart's desire are ideally performed during the full moon.

It is not necessary to have anything that belongs to the individual that you desire to cast a spell upon, nor, is it necessary for that individual to believe in magic, for magic is energy, and can impact your life for the better or worse, whether you believe in it of not!

In all types of magic, there is a fine line that one shouldn't cross! With that said casting a spell or conducting a ritual to bring back your lover is fine, it is the manner in which the work is done that is important.

When I work with a client to reunite him or her with a lover, I work to resurrect the energy of the love that is already there!

Each case is different; for example, casting a love spell to bring a specific person into your life is fine, there are ways to deal with karma, and to side step a negative backlash, again, it is all about the intent, and will of the practitioner, and of course skill plays a large part in a successful outcome to any spell or ritual.

Generational curses do exist, however, they are very rare! A lot of dishonest psychics or practitioners will often employ this as a means of scaring their clients into purchasing very expensive spells and rituals to remove a nonexistent curse! I have written a few articles about this issue over the years.

Curses are real, a generational curse takes a great deal of energy to keep it going, before you pay someone to remove a generational curse, pay close attention to the words, and to the sum of money that followed their statement!

The evil eye, glaring stare, master eye, has been around as long as man has inhabited the earth!

Basically, it is a means in which a practitioner of ill intent places a hex, or a curse on a victim, the connection is made by using a pointing device, or the witch's two fingers to gain the attention of his or her intended victim, once the connection is made the curse is then transferred from the witch to the victim in the form of thought!

If you have indeed been the victim of the evil eye, I can help you!

While black magic exists, in most cases this is simply not the truth! Over the years I have heard horror stories from clients who arrived at my website feeling lost, and hopeless, all because a psychic, or other practitioner claimed that their lover was taken away by black magic, black candles, voodoo dolls, you name it, and in most cases they would always ask for large sums of money to remove the black magic.

Magic is real, it is the intent of the witch that makes it good or bad, in nature there is a balance to all things, and therefore good could not exist in a world without bad!

Website Access And Services

I reserve the right to refuse the sell of products or services to anyone.

There are several reasons that access to your account may become limited or restricted, the most common reason is that our server has detected spam activity connected to your account and has blocked your access.

Please keep in mind that accounts on my website are strictly for my clients, if you are not a client or setup an account with no intention of becoming a client your account will be blocked or deleted from my website.

Contacting Phelan

My professional career dates back to 1985, although my spiritual path as a witch officially started in 1977. There is a difference between Witchcraft, and magic, Witchcraft is a nature religion that honors duality of the Goddess, and God; hence, the spiritual aspect of my life, and magic is the formation of will, mixed with the elements, along with other ritualistic items, roots, bones, and stones, and tools to manifest a desired outcome!

I became aware of my psychic abilities around the age of seven, although I didn't understand what I was seeing, feeling, or hearing, luckily for me there was someone in my family that was already paving the path ahead of me, she crossed the bridge into the Summerland in June of 09, she was a surrogate mother to me, and a valued teacher, and the absents of her physical presence in my life have been greatly felt. In all honesty when it boils right down to it, to me there is no difference between Witchcraft, and magic, as far as I am concerned they are one in the same, for both aspects have been deeply rooted in my life as far back as I can recall.

You will never get an answer on my phone at three in the morning; it is rare that you will get an answer after 9 PM EST in the evening.

Make sure that you call between 11 A.M. and 7 PM EST, Monday through Friday, in addition if you are repeatedly calling my phone number, you will not get an answer, I do not deal with obsessive minded individuals! I do not take calls on Saturday and Sunday, nor answer email.

The month of December I will answer email from 1:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M EST. 

If you and I are going to work together you will need a profile on my website, please keep in mind that registering does not entitle you to an automatic phone call with me, if I have time to discuss your case with you over the phone I will gladly do so, otherwise, you will have to contact me through the website and explain your needs and desires to me and I will respond accordingly. If a phone call is warranted I will setup a time for us to talk.

I am located in Georgia, my home is in Atlanta, where most of my family still lives today, for this reason Atlanta will always be my home, my clients live all over the world, your location, and my location will have no bearing on the results you obtain from a spell casting or ritual that I conduct for you, magic knows, no boundaries!

At this time I am not meeting with clients in person, I am not setup in a space that will accommodate the meeting with my clients.

My home is my sanctuary, and I consider it to be as sacred as my magical circle, I plan to resume meeting with clients in person; however, I work with clients all over the world, it doesn't matter where you are located; I can still help you through a magical process!

My contact system was setup to allow me to effectively communicate with my clients, at this time there is not a registration fee in place when signing up for an account on my website, by completing your registration you will be allowed to communicate with me through my contact system. If you are not seriously seeking Esoteric help, I strongly advise against setting up an account, please keep in mind that I have a client base that needs my help, if you are a thrill seeker please seek your thrill somewhere else, my time is not only valuable to me, but it is valuable to those in which I am trying to help through a system of magic.

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