Celtic Goddess | Brigid | Love | Fire Goddess

The Celtic Goddess of Brigid shines her light as the Guardian of Men, guiding them on their path as they move forward in the physical world and allowing them to walk their paths and harvest their desires.

The Celtic Goddess of Brigid is one of the most revered figures in mythology. She is held in high regard in the hearts of those who follow her (she is the Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, fertility, and smithcraft) and is known all over the world as the Fire Goddess Brigid and the creator of lust.

The Goddess of Brigid is called the Queen of Light; she represents metamorphosis, creation, and safety. A reminder that her words, teachings, and infinite love remain timeless, guiding us on our spiritual journey of inspiration, love, and spirituality. Join us in ritual as we consider her divine character and her place in Celtic mythology, as well as how her blessings are sought through ritual by Witches worldwide.

Brigid, or Bríghid or Bride, is one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, an influential race of gods and heroes in Irish mythology. She is the daughter of the Dagda, the father of the gods, and is most linked to Imbolc, a festival signifying the beginning of the spring. Brigid is part of a single triad: the goddess of the poet, the healer, and the smith. She is full of divine power, a source of inspiration, speech, creativity, nurturing, and independence; each aspect reflects the goddess of autonomy.

Brigid’s mythology revolves around the elemental powers of fire and water. Her fire symbolizes purification, transformation, and inspiration, while her sacred wells and rivers depict healing and sustenance. Her name, which comes from the Old Irish term "brig," which translates to power or strength, signifies her as a divine protector and guide.

Brigid: The Guardian and Queen of Light

Brigid is known as the Queen of Light, her title highlighting her status as a bringer of hope and light. She is called the protector of humanity, a compassionate, revered, and venerated figure in times of distress.

She calls before her their spirit whenever they kneel before the unbearable weight of existence. Farmers ask her for abundant harvests, smiths pray for her to bless their work, and poets invoke her for inspiration. She was one of the most beloved and multifunctional deities in the Celtic tradition, and her influence reached all areas of life.

Candlemas and Honoring Brigid

Candlemas (February 2nd) are also significantly associated with Brigid (especially the Catholic Brigid). This celebration falls halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox when the days become longer and the light starts to come back. It is known in the Celtic calendar as Imbolc, honoring Brigid’s status as a goddess of fertility and renewal—celebrants light candles and fires to honor her, representing her eternal flame guiding and protecting them.

Imbolc rituals often involve weaving crosses of Brigid from rushes or straws, which are then placed throughout the home to garner her blessings for protection and prosperity. These rituals center around the hearth and fire potency.

A Magical Role for Brigid’s Consort:

Brigid’s husband is commonly named Bres, a character famous for his romance and downfall. Though Bres’s tale is multifaceted, encompassing betrayal and redemption, his ties to Brigid represent the coming together of opposing forces: light and darkness, life and death. Together, they represent balance, a key principle in Celtic spirituality.

Rituals Honoring Brigid:

It is better to honor Brigid and ask for her blessings by performing rituals infused with reverence and symbol.

Magical Rituals:

Candle Rituals: Light a white or gold candle to invite Brigid to join. Make your intentions verbal, requesting her creativity, healing, or protection blessings.

Sacred Well Ceremonies: Visit a local spring or well and leave ritual offerings, such as milk, flowers, or coins. These works pay homage to her relationship with water and its source of life.

Love Rituals

Heart Blessing: Tie together a tiny series of contained comings and goings in the shape of a love ribbon or two. Charge it to Brigid and put it on your altar, requesting her assistance in the field of romance.

Fire of Passion: Write your intentions on parchment and burn it in a holy blaze, invoking Brigid to set ablaze your romantic life with warmth and empathy.

Circle of Protection

To create a protective circle in Brigid’s name, do the following:

1. Get candles, salt, and a small bowl of water.
2. Set the candles at the cardinal points of your space and sprinkle salt around the perimeter in a circle.
3. Light the candles and call on Brigid: “Brigid, Queen of Light, Guardian of Men, shade me with your flame of protection. No harm shall come to this space.”
4. Dip your fingers into the water and anoint yourself as a blessing and protection
  bracing Brigid’s Magic

Brigid is gentle and fierce, reflecting her warring role as cultivator and guardian. She provides comfort and strength by calling upon her energy during Imbolc, lighting candles in her name, or seeking her guidance in our sacred containers. She is still the guiding light for those who honor her with respect and reverence.

Throughout time, both past and present, Brigid’s legacy has remained a beacon of light, love, and protection to all who seek her out. Honor this sacred feminine and invoke the alchemical essence of her sacred feminine energy.