My Clients

* Willow | Texas | 07/17/2024 | I am one of Phelan's students, and I wanted to publicly acknowledge everything he has helped me with

I am one of Phelan's students, and I wanted to publicly acknowledge everything he has helped me with. Since I was unable to attend physical classes, Phelan worked with me over the phone, Whatsapp, and email. I was close to suicide when I made contact with Phelan; although I didn't understand it, my finances were sound, my mortgage was paid up, my car paid off, and I was just in this dark, deep hole. I went to a psychiatrist, and of course, she wanted me to take pills that made me feel worse. Phelan told me that I needed to find myself spiritually and that it may or may not be through Wicca, but if I was willing to try, he was willing to work with me. Through Wicca, I found myself; through Ph ... more...

* Norma T | GA | 07/12/2024 | Picked Up The Spirit Of A Young Boy While Visiting A Local Atlanta Occult Shop

I live in Atlanta, and we have several occult shops in downtown. I decided to visit one of the shops on a Saturday, my day off, and I had nothing else to do. While browsing the shop, I felt tingling all over my body. It was cold and made me very uncomfortable. Later, upon returning home, I felt the tingling sensation again, and then this buzzing started in my head. I knew something was wrong. I met Phelan at one of the Psychic Fairs he hosted in Atlanta; I had his card, so I called him. He tapped into my energy psychically; he told me that I had picked up the Spirit of a young boy buried under the store's location. It seems that particular location was once used as a mass grave. He performed ... more...

* Emma C | TN | 07/10/2024 | Reunited With My Husband After Seven Years Without Communication

My husband and I broke up after seven years of marriage and four years of dating. I went to countless practitioners, psychics, and witches. All they wanted was more money; my friend recommended Phelan. I was hesitant, but I went to his website, signed up for a profile, and then called him. He was very friendly and direct over the phone. I decided to work with him. At that point, my husband and I were apart for four years without communication. I followed Phelan's instructions to the letter, and six months later, my husband called out of the blue. We met for lunch; I couldn't believe we were talking and having a meal together. Fast forward six months, and we are back together; this would neve ... more...

* Henry T | NC | 06/16/2024 | My business was sliding very fast towards bankruptcy!

My business was quickly slipping into bankruptcy, I contacted Phelan, and he did an uncrossing for my business, a prosperity ritual, an attraction ritual for more clients. Within three months my business was back on track, and more clients were contacting me my client load doubled, and my incoming cash flooded my account. I was able to advertise and hire extra employees to handle the new business. Thank you Phelan

* Troy V | New Mexico | 06/12/2024 | My wife left me due to interference from outsiders.

My wife and I disagreed, I tried to apologize for the role that I played, but she wouldn't listen to me instead she listened to everyone around her, her family, friends, and especially her mother. I contacted Phelan and he performed several reuniting rituals, and he removed those people who interfered with our relationship, she hasn't spoken with her mom for over four years. That is not what I wanted, I just wanted my wife and my kids back, I never meant to interfere with the relationship between her and her family. I am happy that Phelan helped me.

* Vera M | Mass | 06/09/2024 | Playing the lottery and cards at the casino

For years I had excellent luck playing the numbers and the tables at the casino. All of a sudden my luck turned, this happened after this new man came into my life, I watched him excel and make money playing the tables at the casino, and all the while I was losing buckets of money! I contacted Phelan and with a little witchery he was able to deduce that the new guy was a Psychic Vampire, he was feeding off my energy and stealing my luck. Phelan did several rituals for me and told me to break it off with Ray, I did as Phelan said and soon my luck changed for the better. I recovered my money, and within a month I tripled what I had lost. Thanks again Phelan

* Misty K | Florida | 06/05/2024 | My husband left me for a younger man!

My husband of seven years left me for a younger and immature woman. She got an internship with his firm and they started a love affair shortly thereafter! I came home late one night from work to find all of his things gone, and not as much as a note explaining why. A week later I was served on my job with Divorce papers. The divorce was final a few months later and from all perspectives, it seemed life was moving forward. As hard as I tried I just couldn't get over him. I started looking for help and I was lucky enough to find Phelan, he agreed to take my case, and as stubborn as I am, and I was impatient, I tried forcing my way back in and that didn't work. I cried and complained to Phelan ... more...

* Hayden J | Texas | 06/01/2024 | Life fell apart!

My life fell apart seemingly overnight, I was engaged to be married, but my lover broke up with me and called off the wedding after it had been paid for. I lost my job of fifteen years based on a lie! My car was being repossessed, and my house was foreclosed on. Just when I thought I couldn't handle it anymore my father passed away suddenly! I tried church, and support groups, and I moved to a new town. My life began to change when a friend texted me a link to Phelan's website, reluctantly I went to the website and decided to open up an account, I contacted Phelan, and while I won't get into all of the gory details with Phelan's help I was able to turn everything around, he is a Godsend, I b ... more...

* Jon H | Atlanta | 05/29/2024 | Rejected by Family For Being Gay!

I was rejected by my family for being gay, I came out to them when I was twenty-six, and my brothers and sister, mother, and father said I was no longer family! I attempted suicide at the age of thirty, I was put in touch with Phelan, and not only was he a Witch, but he was gay. He told me to hold on and that my family would soon come to accept me. As time went on I was contacted by all of my family and they welcomed me back into the family, this it was me that rejected them. I found a new family through Phelan, he put me in contact with many support groups, I started doing outreach to those in my situation and through the process learned that I was enough and that I did not need validation ... more...

* Rhonda K | Texas | 05/24/2024 | I was a victim of a psychic attack; the attacks happened at home and at work.

I was a victim of a psychic attack; the attacks happened at home and at work. I thought I was losing my mind; I contacted Phelan and explained the situation to him, and he immediately knew what to do. He uncrossed me, and he sent me a protection amulet and two protection jars, one for home and one for the office. Within a week or so, the attacks had stopped entirely; I just wished that I had found Phelan before going to the other practitioners, who simply took my money and kept asking for more. Phelan has never asked me for one cent more than what I initially paid.

* Trisha M | California | 05/22/2024 | My husband left and drained our bank accounts and cashed out his 401k

My husband left and drained our bank accounts and cashed out his 401k; there was a new girl at his office that he was seeing, and I found out that she was a practitioner of voodoo. I do not know much about voodoo, black or white magic, but I am sure glad that Phelan does; he removed the girl, she was fired, and my husband was placed on probation at his job; he contacted me and said that he had made a mistake, he wasn't sure why he did the things that he did, I forgave him, our accounts are now in my name alone, never will I get caught off guard with no money again. Thanks to Phelan and his staff, my life is normal again! 

* Jimmy F | NC | 05/19/2024 | I was drowning under so much negativity I felt that I couldn't catch a break

I was drowning under so much negativity I felt that I couldn't catch a break no matter how hard I tried. My marriage was falling apart; my wife was stepping out on me and planning to end our relationship. Phelan was able to help me turn things around, and for that, I owe him a debt of gratitude that I could never repay in this lifetime! Thanks, Phelan, you are a star!

* Bruce H | WS | 05/17/2024 | In January of this year, I lost my job

In January of this year, I lost my job, I was evicted from my apartment, my car was repossessed, and collection agencies were harassing me night and day. I contacted Phelan, and he explained the process to me; even though it was hard to afford his services, I found the money. This was the best decision that I have made in a very long time; I am back on track. Phelan helped me land a good-paying job, and I have bought a new car in spite of having a repossession against me. Thank you, Phelan, for all of your help! 

* Angie R | New Mexico | 05/11/2024 | I would love to know the ingredients in the Bath salts

If you are willing to share, I would love to know the ingredients in the Bath salts and the uncrossing herbal Bath; they work wonders and smell wonderful! After using them, I landed a new job, and I hit big on the scratch-offs. Thank you for my money amulet.

* Serena D | Louisiana | 05/09/2024 | My relationship was at a standstill

My relationship was at a standstill, my partner and I had been together for seven years. However, after you performed a marriage spell for us last year in October, our relationship took a turn for the better. We were happily married on the seventh of April this year. Thank you.

* Ralph P | Wyoming | 05/07/2024 | I value your opinion and trust your judgment

Thank you for all of your help and your honesty; I value your opinion and trust your judgment. My wife and I are doing better financially since the prosperity ritual and the oil and bath salts that you sent to us. Thank you, Phelan.

* Robyn A | Wisconsin | 05/03/2024 | Several Women Attacked Me!

Several women who practice black magic came after me and my family. They made my parents sick; they caused my sister to have a car accident. They ruined my love life; every man that I was interested in turned against me. They destroyed my finances; they made me lose my job; I was hopeless. I turned to Phelan, and he helped me put my life back together, and he made those women pay retribution! They have tried to attack me several times since, but Phelan stopped them in their tracks! Thank you Phelan.

* Sonny A | N. Carolina | 05/02/2024 | I was alone in the fight of my life!

My wife and I had been together for twenty-five years and had the same group of friends; however, when we split up, no one offered me any moral support, and they all turned to help my wife. I was alone in the fight of my life, and the sad part was that I still wanted her back, and with Phelan's help, he removed the intruders; we are no longer friends, and he brought my wife back to me. I would recommend getting several phone consultations from this man during and after the work he does for you.

* Cheryl K | Jersey | 05/01/2024 | My car was repossessed

My life was in shambles. Bill collectors were coming out of the woodwork, and I owed several financial institutions money. My car was repossessed. My job was in jeopardy. My employer checked my credit periodically, and they did background checks. I turned to Phelan for help. He got my loan approved for over $185,000 through a bank that previously turned me down. Magic works. I am now a believer!

* David B | Oklahoma | 04/30/2024 | Thank you, Phelan, for reuniting me and my wife

Thank you, Phelan, for reuniting me and my wife. She became involved with a younger guy at work and left without a goodbye or taking any of her clothes after fifteen years of marriage. It turns out this guy is a prominent practitioner of black magic, and he used it to break our marriage apart! Thank you, Phelan, for all of your help.

* John D | Florida | 04/10/2024 | My Wife And Her Family Turned On Me!

My wife and her family turned against me. We had been together for twenty-two years. We had four grown kids; they took their mother's side as well. The thing is, I was still in love with my wife, so I decided to look at all my options. Marriage counseling was not an option, so I looked into alternative methods and found Phelan. It took three years for Phelan to undo all the negativity and shield me and my wife from her family's negative energy. Here we are three years later and we have reunited and are happier than ever before. I have a marriage amulet that Phelan made for me, and I wear it daily; it is a nice piece, and my wife doesn't suspect anything. John D

* Kim H | TN | 04/10/2024 | Phelan Reunited My Boyfriend And Me

My boyfriend of seven years left me and our child in the middle of the night. I had no clue why he left or if he would ever come home. I waited four months, and after no contact, I looked online and found Phelan. I had a communication ritual and kundalini binding done. It wasn't long after he emailed me, and we started texting. I found out about a girl that he was living with and had Phelan perform a breakup ritual for me, which included a breakup candle and kundalini binding ritual kit, and I still use those items even now; I plan to order another breakup candle soon, this girl is still trying to work her way back. With Phelan's help, I know that will never happen! Thank you, Phelan, for al ... more...

* Sara K | Wisconsin | 04/07/2024 | Won Big At The Casino!

I've been using my gambler's money bag and a custom amulet for the past year. In the last three months, I've experienced a significant change in my luck at the casino. I'm talking about big wins! I attribute this newfound success to my money bag and amulet, which I faithfully wear when playing blackjack. Last weekend, I started with $400 at the blackjack table; four hours later, I walked away with $17000.00. The relief and gratitude I felt at that moment, knowing that Phelan's services had played a significant role, made my feeling of euphoria indescribable. Thank you, Phelan, for all of your help.

* Angie T | Texas | 04/03/2024 | I lost my man due to black magic

My husband left me for another woman. She used black magic to get him to turn to her. I contacted Phelan. He did several rituals for me, including the Kundalini binding. He sent me many Ritual tools, including a love-binding root bag, oil, several candles, and an amulet. I use and wear the items religiously. Everything that Phelan did for me was needed, and now we are back together and happy. The other woman walked away!  Thank you, Mr. Phelan

* Brandi C | Washington | 04/02/2024 | A male performer refused to accept the fact that I am gay, he made my life a living hell!ll!

My career as a performer was all but over. I couldn’t get gigs, no one would hire me, and I was blacklisted. I am a lesbian who caught the attention of another male performer; he wouldn’t take no as the answer. Phelan got involved and backed the guy down. I am so glad he helped me; I was drowning, and saved me and my career.

* Ralph K | Baltimore | 04/01/2024 | I lost everything because of the pandemic!

My life turned upside down during the pandemic. I lost my business and started to have to rebuild. I am in my 60s, and my family depends on me. I was lost without my business. Phelan showed me how to rebrand myself and gave me the help I needed. In essence, he saved me and my family.

* Tom B | KS | 03/27/2024 | My wife left me for a much younger man.

I will forever be grateful to Phelan for all of his help. When my wife left me for another man, I thought my world was over. I fell apart and begged her to come back to me. Phelan told me that was wrong; I needed to strengthen myself. I listened to him, stopped begging, and started working on myself. She came back to me, and we were in counseling. Thank you Phelan

* Troy H | MS | 03/17/2024 | My wife took my kids and left me with nothing, she has a history of leaving when things get too real!

My wife took my kids and left me with nothing! Phelan was a godsend; he helped me regain my family, and we are happy once again! Thank you, Phelan

* Zora G | France | 03/12/2024 | Modeling Career and Relationship!

My career was going nowhere, and my relationship ran away like the rain. I chose to do something. I took action by calling Phelan, and he took my case and gave me advice, guidance, and the rituals needed to turn it all around! Thank you, Phelan

* Tina D | Atlanta | 03/02/2024 | My husband divorced me and took it all!

My husband left me for a much younger man; I found out that Brad, the youngster's name, went to a voodoo priest and had a black magic spell cast upon my old man. He always loved young ass, male or female, I should have known better! We are back together just temporarily until I get what I am after!

* Susan P | New York | 01/02/2024 | My man left me for a younger woman

My man left me for a younger woman. I found out that she was pregnant, and that was his motivation; after fifteen years of marriage, he left without as much as a goodbye. I approached Phelan and was surprised by the questions he asked me. He didn't try to discourage me; he just asked me the questions my friends and family were afraid to ask. He also told me to make sure that my motives were pure and that I had the ability to stay focused and positive; he explained that I had the ability to make or break the work that he was doing. I found that between his advice and the articles on his website, the guidance and help I so badly needed was now within reach. Phelan, I am forever indebted to you ... more...

* Robert A | N. Carolina | 01/01/2024 | I reconnected with my wife

Happy New Year to Phelan and the Staff! Phelan, I am writing to thank you and your crew today. You guys have become a valuable part of my life, and I am grateful every day for all the good you do for everyone whose life you touch. You have influenced positive and powerful change in my life, and I couldn't allow another day to pass without telling you. My wife and I have reconnected, and our foundation is more vital than ever; we plan to renew our vows on Valentine's Day 2024, the day we get married. My business has started to grow, and we are getting busy. My business had dried up to the point that I was considering applying for jobs; however, following Phelan's advice, I was able to turn th ... more...

* Billy T | Michigan | 01/01/2024 | I was looking for a miracle, and I found one.

My life was in ruins. I was looking for a miracle, and I found one. Phelan is nothing if not a miracle worker; he saved my life on several accounts. I am happy to be considered a part of his extended family. I lost my job when the pandemic hit, and through Phelan's magic, he opened doors for me that I thought had closed long ago. I have a good job, my girlfriend and I are in a better space, and I am now speaking to several family members I had difficulty forgiving. Phelan counseled me, and through his counsel, I found peace of mind and the ability to rise above and move beyond past indiscretions of others.

* Diane D | Albany GA | 12/31/2023 | Practitioners Took Advantage!

I found Phelan in 2020. Previously, I worked with several other practitioners in an effort to reunite with my husband. The other practitioners never helped me; they only took from me and kept taking! I found Phelan through a Google search; I read his website and found that he made no promises or guarantees refreshing. Phelan was very direct with me, and he never offered false hope. I can see why this man has the rapport with his clients; he showed me genuine respect and caring. I was never shown this while working with the other practitioners. I might add that I worked with the other practitioners for five years before coming to find Phelan. I will make a long story short: my husband and I r ... more...

* Mary | TX | 09/07/2023 | Happiness and Success

I met Phelan through one of many of his Psychic Fairs. The Fair was being held at the hotel where I was staying in Atlanta. He was holding the fair on behalf of the Friend's Of Animals. Since it was for charity I decided to have a reading. He had thirteen psychics using card tables to give readings. There were also six or seven vendors selling candles, oils, incense, and books. This was back in 1995. I have followed Phelan all of these years. Two years ago he offered an online class in candle magic. I decided that I wanted to learn candle ritual, and I am so happy that I did. Phelan explained that candle ritual is simply one way of conducting magic and that he uses many different techniques ... more...

* Nolan | WA | 09/03/2023 | Happiness and Success

I have worked with this man over the last ten years. Not once has he ever taken advantage of me. He has put me in my place a few times, he doesn't play, he is old school. I am forever in his debt, he helped revive a dying business, and he brought my wife and kids home. He helped me work out a five-year plan, I stuck to it even when I doubted it at times, he could see something that I could not. This man is nothing short of a miracle worker. He came to me when I was at my worst when I was lost. I will always have a kind heart for you Phelan, I am going to release a Chinese lantern on your birthday. Thank you, brother.

* Charlotte | GA | 09/03/2023 | Happiness and Success

Thank the Goddess I found you. You saved my life and through working with you restored my self-esteem and fractured ego. You helped my family forgive me, when they plainly stated they were through with me!

* Ray | VA | 09/01/2023 | Love Gone Wrong

Without the help of Phelan my life was headed for the sewer. I was on the verge of losing everything. My wife left me, my business was going belly up, and thoughts were crossing my mind that I could not even find a way to put into words. Phelan, you are a man of your word and I love you like a brother. Thank you for your help.

* Thomas | AZ | 08/19/2023 | Love Reunited

My wife and I split five years ago. She took out a restraining order against me, she took the house, car, and bank accounts. I never had any recourse, nothing I tried worked. I decided to seek help and with Phelan's help I was able to overcome the odds against me my wife took me back and we are working things out.

* Connie | FLA | 08/11/2023 | Bad Luck

For most of my adult life, my luck was the worst! I would take three steps forward and five backward. I met Phelan and he performed several gambling and money rituals for me. It wasn't long until my luck changed and I had three jackpots, one for more than $200,000.

* David | CA | 08/01/2023 | Love Separation

I came to you about three years ago. My wife and I had no communication and had been estranged for six years. I had lost all hope that we would reunite and be a family once again. With the help of Phelan and his crew, we reunited and are happy once again.

* Jolene | GA | 05/11/2023 | Love Triangles

I was sad and brokenhearted for so long, longing and needing to feel that I belonged somewhere. It seems that every time I would find someone that I liked they would end up with one of my friends, and so goes this vicious cycle of the love triangle. I finally found Phelan and he helped me regain control of my life, Phelan understood what was happening on the psychic level, and once I relinquished control and gave it over to Phelan was the first time in seven years that I actually felt that I had a little bit of control and I am regaining more and more control with each passing day.

* Deidra | CA | 05/09/2023 | Bad Luck

I tried really hard to change my luck on my own. The harder I tried the deeper the hook would go and I could tell there were no plans of this hideous monster of bad luck that was going to set me free. I reached out to Phelan and he assembled a psychic team that started a round of protection that I had needed for a very long time.

* Nancy | UK | 05/09/2023 | Reunited_with_my_lover

Life was slowly passing me by. I tried to put myself out there, but the only love that would manifest in my life was a one-night stand here and there and that was not love. Phelan discovered a block in one of my chakras that were keeping me from realizing my full potential. He worked with me, he unblocked what he needed to and he turned on my love magnet. I got married last year, just passed Halloween. Thank you, Phelan 

* Carl | TX | 04/19/2023 | Phelan_stopped_psychic_attacks_against_my_family

I had worked with Phelan in the past, and last year in contacted me and told me that he could see the attacks as they were taking place. I was very busy at the time and I just blew Phelan off, that was a mistake. My wife had a heart attack, our dog was hit by a car and he didn't pull through. My son was accused of sexual assault by a girl he didn't even know, last but not least I was fired by the company I had devoted myself to for over twenty years, oh yes, my daughter got pregnant! I regretted not listening to Phelan, listen to this man, he can help you and he will if you allow him to.

* Dan | AZ | 04/11/2023 | Reunited With My Son And Daughter.

Our kids never came around and participated in any family gatherings. My wife had stage four metastatic cancer, and she and I tried to involve our kids in the decision-making process. She wanted a DNR and I was not going to deny her what little control she felt she had. I knew that dreadful day would come and it came about six weeks after she signed the DNR. I had Phelan do some healing work for me and my family, he also suggested a communication and understanding ritual. As a family we are blessed to have Phelan in our lives, we love you Phelan and think the world of you. Extended family = hope!

* Craig | GA | 03/11/2023 | Reunited With My Wife And Family

I had lost all hope. My best friend moved in with my wife and kids, he was supposed to be helping them out. I later found out they were sleeping together. Phelan warned me against him long before he moved in. I was staying angry, and I was in a full-blown state of depression, my sister warned me that they were attracted to one another. Before finding Phelan I went to so many psychics and witches, and I decided to trust once again. I placed my trust in Phelan, I read and re-read his articles and once I involved myself in the process things started to happen. I cannot picture a world where people like Phelan don't exist, he sure helped me. Thank you Phelan, and thank you for my family. Sending ... more...

* Erica | NM | 12/02/2022 | Reunited With My Husband And Family

There were so many people in the way of our happiness. They worked against my husband and me until we broke up, and once we were apart, they controlled his every thought and move. They encouraged him to keep my kids from me, and he did. Phelan came into my life when I needed him the most. I had hired four other spell casters to help me, and they never did. I learned of Phelan through a friend; he helped reunite her and her husband. I decided to try him, and I placed my faith in him. He told me I needed to put some of that faith in myself, so I did. I am so thrilled that I met Phelan and am grateful for his help. 

* Ruth | WY | 12/01/2022 | Reunited With Husband

After seven years, I have reunited with my husband. I started working with Phelan last year in December. I followed Phelan's advice and guidance, and it worked like a charm. I am so happy that Phelan helped me. I would be lost today without his help. Phelan, you are a star in my heart! 

* Meredith | LA | 11/27/2022 | Removed Family Curse

My family was cursed by a Witch from New Orleans, she cursed generations of my family. Phelan helped protect me, he removed the curse from my soul and worked his magic to stop the psychic attacks against me. Thank you Phelan for all of your help. 

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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