Special Offers

The Goddess Of Abundance and Wealth Valentine's Ritual $224.95

This is a 13-day Ritual during which we call upon the Goddesses and God, Lakshmi, Venus, and Vulcan, to bless our lives and families. We will beckon them into our lives, where they will provide us with an abundance of love, prosperity, wealth, and money. They will also give us the knowledge we need to excel in this lifetime. This knowledge may come as a dream or an out-of-body experience on the astral plane; in most cases, it will be very subtle, as the Godhead will never deliberately overwhelm us by opening a floodgate of information and throwing us off balance. Please provide me with thirteen financial goals, one for each day; if you don't have 13 goals, you may provide me with an overall vision of where you would like to see your life, your business, or any other part of your life five years from now. Please make sure that you provide names and birthdates for all adults in your household who may benefit from the energy that is this Ritual.

(7 Spots Available)

Item Includes Ritual Date Duration
The Goddess Of Abundance and Wealth Valentine's Ritual N/A Feb 14th, 2025 - Feb 27th, 2025 13 Days
  • Shipping Date: There is no physical shipping of goods for this item.
Purchase Special Offer

Valentine's Healing With Heart Ritual-Order Now! $144.95

I am holding two unique healing circles tonight at 10:00 p.m. and Sunday evening at 12:00 a.m., and you will be included in both.

This ritual is open to anyone who needs emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical healing.

If you deal with serious relationship issues, this healing circle is also for you.

I will need a written request that outlines your healing needs; if you submit information for yourself and someone else, please include names and birth dates for everyone.

While I usually do not charge for my healing circles, this is a special circle, and the fee will cover the cost of the candle and supplies that will be utilized during the ritual; once the cost for supplies is covered, any remaining proceeds will be forwarded to one of my clients, who needs assistance.

This is the perfect healing ceremony to bridge the gap between you and your significant other; emotional and mental healing is critical to jumpstarting a relationship that is fading into the past or one you are trying to resurrect. 

We will work on these areas to make you as strong as possible. These are just a few of the areas we will work on.

  • Emotional Release: Relieves negative emotions and lays the groundwork for positive emotional lines of communication between you.
  • Release and let go: Let go of the negative rut you have lived in for so long.
  • Restore Mental Faith: Resurrect the mental connection between the two of you and get the two of you connecting again.
  • Unblock your universal prosperity and get the overall energy flowing in a direction you can handle. Learn to mold the new energy as if it were clay and accomplish your goals by working with the tools you have.
  • Uncross the minor chakras in your hands and allow money to flow inward to you instead of outward away from you. Learn to hold onto your money and multiply it three times over. Plant positive seeds for your money, nurture it and watch it grow.
  • Healing with Heart: As much as you need to forgive those who have trespassed against you, you need to learn to forgive yourself, let go of past mistakes, and leave them where they belong in the past!
  • Acquire and manifest your desired physical items, such as a new house, car, or business. If your business is client-driven, learn to attract new clients to yourself.
  • Assure that you stay healthy emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Throw your energy to the four corners and watch it as it moves through each PowerPoint on the globe. Be sure to read through the above carefully, and feel free to add any of your desires and goals so that we can ensure that all of your needs are met.

(7 Spots Available)

Item Includes Ritual Date Duration
Valentine's Healing With Heart Ritual Valentine's Healing Ritual At 10 pm tonight and 12 am Sunday. Feb 14th, 2025 - Feb 16th, 2025 2 Days
  • Shipping Date: There is no physical shipping of goods for this item.
Purchase Special Offer