For Love And Money

The thought of retiring has occurred to me over the past two or three years, I tried once, but found that not only did it make a lot of my clients very unhappy, by which they expressed in phone calls to my office and in a barrage of email, it made me very unhappy as well. I am by far the best witch on the block, but, I do know that I take a very honest and ethical approach to dealing with my clients and their situations, and while I have turned away potential clients over the years for various reasons, one of the reasons has never been because their situation was hopeless, because, no situation is hopeless, and there is always a way of turning things around, even when it looks and feels hopeless, but, one of the ways that you will never turn things around is by doing nothing, another way to insure failure is to overly focus on the negative aspects of the situation that you are dealing with, if you have a desire to love and to be loved, well, love needs to be your focal point, here is a ...

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Magical Scrap Book

As 2008 slips quietly away, it is a time to reflect, it is a time to put things into perspective and to gain a greater mental insight into our personal journeys, a time to release negative energy in an attempt to gain emotional clarity, as the old year melds into the new it is the perfect time to allow ourselves to undergo a rebirthing process, no energy is ever lost, the old merges with the new thereby creating a stronger base in which to work from, allowing for a more solid foundation in which to plant the seeds of today that will bear the fruit of our desires tomorrow. There is absolutely no harm in desiring a prosperous life, prosperity flows to us in many forms, we can prosper financially, we can prosper in love, we can prosper in both material and nonmaterial goods, and we can prosper spiritually, in order to lead a life filled with prosperity we must first learn to embrace the law of attraction, the law of attraction applies to all ...

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Magical Mojo

Mojo is a term that is widely used in magical circles, a mojo can be used in a positive or negative manner, magical tools can be empowered with negative or positive energy, the word mojo is used often to described one's lucky piece, a gambler may refer to his root bag as his mojo, a craftsman of candle magic may use it to describe his candles or the tools in which he fashions his candles with. If a black magician or Witch tells you that he is going to put a mojo on you, in most cases it is a warning, if I were to tell you that I am fixing to put a mojo on you, the underlying message would be that I am getting ready to seriously mess with your reality and not in a good way I might add, but, any Witch or practitioner who really means to do you harm will not give you an advance warning, for to give someone a warning of an impending metaphysical or psychic attack is to give them an opportunity to magically defend themselves or at least attempt to thwart the magician's attemp ...

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As Chaos Ensues

Procrastination and doubt are two of the toughest elements to overcome when casting a spell to manifest major change, procrastination is a downward spiral of self denial and doubt is nothing more than the concrete stamp of disapproval that we place upon ourselves, confirming our belief that we are unworthy of having a life filled with prosperity and love. Acceptance of self and a commitment to manifest positive change are two of the areas that we must strive to improve if we are ever going to proceed to the next level of our incarnation. There is absolutely no room for a defeatist attitude when attempting to effect positive change, and in the midst of the turmoil that may be taking place around us we have to find a way to focus on our specific needs and life goals, it is true that in many ways we are all connected, but, it is also true that our lives are uniquely our own and that we as individuals are not responsible for the mistakes that our neighbors make, that is unle ...

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The Other Shoe

One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist or even the Grandma of all Witches to manifest love and prosperity through the use of magic, the magical manifestation of our desires is a task that is relatively easy to master, all that is required is the intestinal fortitude to put a few guidelines into place and the will of dedication to actually follow through. The universal law of attraction is older than time and there is a reason why I tell my clients to focus on the positive aspects of their goals, instead of the negative aspects, the law of attraction applies to both positive and negative energy, so therefore if you are constantly projecting negative energy out into the universe you will reap what you sew, like attracts like and negativity begets negativity, there are no two ways about it, your life will reflect the thoughts that you project! As magical beings our minds are one of the most powerful tools that exist in this realm of our reality, our minds are no ...

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Loose Lips Sink Ships

Life will be filled with many bumps along the way and as human beings we will often suffer scrapes, bruises and black eyes and at different intervals of our life it is common for our energy to run high and low, but, if you find yourself struggling constantly to maintain your relationship or if you are constantly experiencing hardship financially, you may very well have been or could still be a victim of a psychic attack, psychic attacks can be initiated by people we know and interact with on a daily basis, it is not uncommon in the workplace for ones path to cross with an individual who practices some form of magic, I know of at least two of my clients that were magically attacked  in a pretty vicious manner because they were competing for a promotion and the person who was third inline decided that the promotion belonged to her, instead of her coworkers and she wrecked havoc on their lives all the way around, the pain from the harm that she caused is still being felt today. To l ...

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Karma can be best described as the universal law of cause and effect, which means that in life there are no coincidences and nothing happens just by chance, everything that you and I experience throughout this lifetime is part of our path, and it is part of the process that we must endure in order to progress spiritually and evolve into our next incarnation. Every single relationship that you and I have in this life will incur both negative and positive karma, one can only hope to incur karma of a more positive nature, but, as we have seen as we interact with others and the more that we allow our emotions to be our guide, negative karma is almost impossible to avoid, perhaps the best thing that we can do is not to attempt to avoid the negative aspects of karma at all, maybe the approach should be to create a balance instead, and one of the ways of doing this is to approach each of the many relationships that we will have in this lifetime with the forethought of karma in mind, as I dea ...

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The Power In Magic

Magic is magic, pure energy, it is the intent of the practitioner that will make the magic black, white or indifferent, magic can be neutral, in most cases when I cast a spell my request unto the Goddess is that the energy from the spell manifest itself for the highest good of all parties involved, and I happen to be a Witch who believes that sometimes getting knocked on our behind is for our highest good! The magical intent is nothing more than a magical need, when a love spell is cast upon the winds of change, love is the intent and love is the need, the same goes for a money spell, a spell for protection and so on, so when you look at things in this light it is easy to see what your focus should be on, so obviously casting a love spell for reunification purposes and then worrying over the new person in your lovers life is totally the wrong focus and you will in no doubt undermine your magical goal!The casting of a spell is a release of power, so therefore w ...

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Winds Of Change

When we are dealing with difficulties and negative events that continuously manifest over and over in our lives we have to look at the possibility that our energy is severely crossed up! In today's world we are so afraid of being infected with a disease that we are taught to wash our hands over and over, in my opinion one has to be very careful during a hand washing, you see in the palm of your hand there are what we call minor chakras, these chakras are minor but should not be discounted as we use them to send and to receive healing energy, another words we channel energy through the palms of our hands, whether we are sending or receiving, it is still part of the channeling process. I believe that any repetitive act is unto itself a ritual, and therefore washing the hands on a daily basis is thereby a ritual and it is also my belief that if we are not careful we will wash away not only the valuable healing energy that we need and that we need to s ...

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Free Will

Interfere not with the will of another, set not things in motion that you will have no control over! Believe it or not, the same fanatical individuals that will tell you that you should never attempt to reunite with a lover, because to do so will interfere with their free-will, are the same individuals who will resort to magic the moment their lover walks out of their life closing the door between  them for good, the truth is simple really, love spells and rituals for reuniting can be worked in such a way that it does not interfere with the free will of another. When I cast a love spell or when I work a ritual to reunite two people I go to great lengths to make certain that we do not cross the imaginary line between the wills, over the years I have caught a ton of flack from fanatical Witches, lord and lady yes, in the Witch community we have our share of nut jobs too, just like the Christian and the Catholics do, but any way, I have bumped heads with those a ...

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