Mundane Magic

Magic that is spawned out of raw emotion will rarely take wings and fly! On the other hand emotion is a necessary element to lend strength to certain types of magical endeavors, but one should never approach a love spell when the ability of being detached is absent, because, we must be able to separate our divine, our magical self from our lower, our more mundane-self, and unfortunately for most people who are dealing with love related issues the lower mundane-self is where their focus is lost, a good example of the lower emotional self would be the inability to key into your inner strength and to allow your magic to manifest without the interference of your whining, crying and carrying on, while this may be good for release of pent-up negative emotions, it does nothing but tear down the integrity of your magic! I have worked with people from all walks of life and when it comes to love spells, reuniting with an ex-lover gone wild, or trying to rebound from a situation where jealousy a ...

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Magically Surviving Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a lonely path to walk, it seems that no matter how many people surround us there is a feeling of loneliness that is difficult to shake and the self induced isolation cuts us to the bone, reminding us that no matter how many people we have in our lives, the one that truly matters is the one who completes us on every level, the other half that makes up the whole, the darkness to our light, and the light that shines our way when our light fails to shine. Relating to our loved one is a difficult enough task and when our relationship comes under magical attack by those who prey upon the happiness of others, relating to the one that we love at best will be strained and unless we are able to stop the attacks the strain on our relationship will soon reach the breaking point, rendering a deafening silence as wave after wave of psychic warfare is waged upon our relationship, cutting the lines of communication and severing our ties to the one that we love and hold dear. When a pra ...

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A Proactive Approach

During the ritual or spell casting process it is highly imperative that you maintain a positive focus and it is just as important to stay focused on your goals after your rituals have been completed. Making the decision to take a proactive approach before starting any magical process is always a good idea, but it is never too late to take charge of your magic and to manifest your desires, I am sure that you have heard the old saying, "It is not over, until it is over!" I am a firm believer that as long as the breath of life is within, the opportunity to change the course and direction that we are sailing in is still very much present, all that is required of me and you is to tap into our esoteric being and release our magic upon the winds of change. As a practitioner I have worked with clients from all walks of life and I can tell you that when it comes to love, it matters not whether a person is wealthy or poor, granted dealing with a broken heart may be a little easier when you are ...

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Love Spells To Reunite Lovers

Powerful White Witch Love Spells to unite and reunite lovers and to heal the broken hearted. My name is Phelan and I have spent the last 25 years casting love spells and conducting love rituals for my clients to reunite them with a lover or to bring a new lover into their life altogether. Whatever your love goals or love desires are there is a love spell or a love ritual that can aid you in manifesting the much needed love energy within your life. I am a compassionate and caring White Witch Love Spell Caster and I will cast spells and conduct ritual as your advocate in the realm of magic to call forth the great power of White Love Magic that will bless and enhance your life with abundance and love. If you are in need of sincere help please call me today at 770-608-4834 and we can discuss your needs and concerns. Click Here To Contact Me Through My Website Light and Love! Phelan

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Your Bottom Line

Working with energy it is imperative that one learns to conduct their day to day life in such a way that they lend strength to their overall magical goals by attuning their will to their desires. The first step in any successful magical process is to determine what your bottom line is and outlining the steps that you need to take, in order to manifest your desires, casting a spell or conducting a ritual is simply not enough, in order to be successful and produce results from your spell casting or ritual weaving you must align your thoughts with your actions, meaning that you cannot cast a spell to bring a lover back into your life and then after the ritual or spells have been weaved constantly question whether or not you will see results from the metaphysical work that has been done. I am unsure how many ways that I can put this or how many articles I have to write in order to get some of you to pay attention, but the bottom line is this, you are seeking change within you ...

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Avoid Negative Karma

As the old year merges with the new, it is a time of reflection, a glance or two over the past will enlighten us as to what the future holds in store. Living in the past prevents life from happening in the future, now that doesn't mean that if you are trying to connect or reconnect with a loved one that you should just write him or her off, for there is a reason that you feel compelled to re-embrace the one that you love! The trick to a new beginning with the one that you love is bringing that connection out of the past and making it a part of your future, magic is at its best when the practitioner, or in this case the practitioner's client can see the possibility of a life lived with the one that they love, for if you can envision your desire within your minds eye you have already won half of the battle! The problem with most people when it comes to life altering events is fear, fear as we know can be a good thing, it can prevent one from succumbing to tragedy, but it can also grip o ...

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Daily Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving should be a day of reflection, each and everyone us should take the time to stop and reflect on the positive aspects of our lives, and to give thanks to the powers that be for the small victories in our lives. All to often we fail to give our thanks to the universe for the gold that we have, and for the gifts that we have been granted throughout our life, and it should matter not how small the gift is or how minuscule the victories may have seemed, a gift of any size from the universe should trigger a response of gratitude from within us, and overcoming the smallest of obstacle in life should be celebrated as a victory. As modern beings in today's world we are often too busy working, texting, and staying tethered to the world through our electronic gadgets to express our thanks, especially to those around us whom we love and whom love us, some say that when you love someone not everything has to be spoken, I believe that which is never spoken is what brings otherwise solid ...

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Hallowmas, All Hallows Eve (October 31) The Celtic New Year. The time when the Sword of Power is exchanged from the Goddess to the God symbolizing the beginning of his reign. The land is no longer lush and fertile; winter is fast approaching. A dumb or silent super the last repast for those who have died this year, is shared as we bid a final farewell for this lifetime. Traditionally, it was considered inappropriate to mourn the loss of a loved one after Samhain. Any crops still standing in the field after Samhain were considered the property of the faeries, and it was very unlucky to harvest after this day. Modern Witch's of today consider our paychecks as part of the harvest, and as a means of exchanging energy with the Universe and those around us we regularly give to charities, as well you will find Witch's mixed among those who volunteer their time to work with the elderly, aids patients, and the local children's hospital. Most Witch's follow the path of the Goddess, although in ...

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Gypsy Attacks

Psychic attacks can have a tremendous impact on all aspects of our lives, a psychic attack can undermined our relationships by ripping and tearing apart the very foundation in which we have built our lives upon. I was contacted in March of this year by a young man whose life was gravely impacted and torn apart by a vicious psychic attack.This young man's ordeal started when he approached a psychic that set up shop at a local fair in his hometown, he had never had a psychic reading before and in fact he had often scoffed at the idea of a psychic reading, he probably would've been better off had he never approached this gypsy for a reading. During the reading the lady became insulted and incensed by something he said. I'm not certain what it was that he said, but whatever it was I am sure that he wishes now that he could have taken it back a thousand times over.During the months that followed the reading with the gypsy, this young man w ...

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Self Induced Psychic Attack

Psychic attack can occur on any level, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, especially if your aura is not secure, or your chakra system malfunctions in some way. In this day and age it is even more important to learn to effectively shield ourselves from outside negative influences, however, this is a concept that many people just cannot comprehend. As people go, we spend a great deal of our time focusing on how to make ourselves more secure in our homes, and our places of employment, we buy the best door locks, security bars, alarm systems, and we would never park our car in a strange place without making sure that it was locked and secure, and with all of this security in place, somehow the fact that we are constantly plagued with an influx of psychic energy, thought, escapes us! In the above paragraph I stated that psychic attack can take place on any level, and it may surprise you to know that it is not necessary for an attacker to be highly skilled in the art of magic, whe ...

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