Portals Of Old

Self-Reflection: My roots in the craft stretches across three-decades, a little more than that actually, 38 years to be exact. Every Witch starts their path alone, fitting really, you see while we are born into the free world, we are not guaranteed anything, we are not given absolution of self-security, freedom-of-choice, we are not instantaneously guaranteed love by birth. The natural law of the universe our parent's assisted in opening the gateway for us to enter, and they are spiritually obligated to assist in our upbringing, they are bound by the spiritual laws of the universe, having played a role in our arrival they have created a karmic link that will last a lifetime, unless dissolved and in the modern world we live in many people focus more on self-importance, than they focus on their hearth, home and family, many choose to ignore their spiritual obligations and walk away and while they may have chosen a different path, they didn't break the ties that bind you to them, the spi ...

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Charge Of Dark Hecate

Gracious lady, she who is the still waters of the lake, and the rising waters of the ocean, she who is the Queen of the Witches, protector of children, she who can give life, and end life in a blink of an eye. We invoke you, Mother, we ask that you be present in our lives, and bless us with your bounty, protect us from those who would trespass against us, allow no man to rise in conflict against us, grant us the power to defend that in which we hold dearest to our hearts, and tear from the mouth the tongue of those who speak ill of us, muting them, banishing them into a world of silence, for no man shall slander those who have been consecrated in your sacred light. As we stand beneath your light and sang your many songs, lift our voices so that you may hear our calls, and answer our call with the loving touch of a Mother, for we are your children, we are made from your elements that create life, and we bear your sacred symbol the pentagram, in which we have made many sacrifices for, ...

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Great Mother Invocation

Great Mother, Creatrix Of The Sand And Sea,Bless You, For The Abundance Of Creation And Of Life. We Praise You For The Softness Of Your Healing HandAnd For Your All Encompassing Circle Of Light, The Light That Protects UsIn Your Loving Embrace. We Call To You; We Look To You, We Seek Within You The Wisdom of Your Guidance. Through Your Love, We Walk The Path Of The Light. Through Your Love, We Embrace The Darkness Of Night. Without Fear We Walk Your Path, Without Fear, We Endure The Harshness Of Mankind, Without Fear Of Reproach We Stand Within Our Magical Circles. We Are The Wise Ones, We Worship Your Many Names, We Invoke Your Many Name's Under The Moon's Light. Great Mother, Creatrix Of The Earth And Sky, Show Me The Path.Show Me How I Must Travel, Guide Me In Body, And In Spirit, Teach Me The Life-Lessons That I Need To Learn. Embrace Me In Your Circle Of Light, And Bathe Me In The Healing Ray's Of Your Moon's Light. Great Mother, Creatrix Of This World And The Next, Teach ...

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Sunday Morning Coming Down!

Rock bottom is a place that we often have to go to before our lives will turn around. When we live with chaos as our main focus, chaos, becomes a natural part of our life process, and what little control that we still have over our own life gradually slips away! You can justify your negative actions all you want because you are separated from the one that you love, after all, it is easier to be self-destructive than it is to be positive, and productive. Over the years my clients have heard me say that I do not predict time-frames, there is a good reason for that, magic, especially love magic borne out of light takes time to manifest, if love doesn't come from a place of light, it is not love, it is not pure, and it will eat your relationship from the inside out, like a flesh-eating disease devouring its victim!  Honestly, there are many people who signup for an account on my site, order a love spell, and then email me an hour later asking how is their work going, and when ca ...

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Bruised egos are often the catalyst, and fuel for bad decisions, leading one to try to manipulate their way back into someones life, if your lover has left you the best thing that you can do is to look at the role that you played in the demise of your relationship and start a process to purge yourself of the negative energy, a process of healing and release.  There is no harm working to reunite with someone, as long as the work comes from a place of love, and compassion, and not manipulation or control, humility is your greatest ally when working with love magic. When I work for a client I include the purging and healing process in the rituals, but my client still has to make an effort on their end to emotionally and mentally put the negative to rest, emotional, and mental energies are very strong and can often be stronger than the physical, I am sure that you have heard "Mind over Matter". Our physical bodies often break long before our minds do, the will is a mighty force t ...

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Fleeting Shadows

Dreams of fleeting shadows, memories that come and go, my mind reflects back to a time that was better, a place that was pure and honest, in my mind I wander back to a time when safety was of no concern! Yesterday, the past seems to be the place that we all wish to be, and yet we long for our future needs and weep for all the losses that we feel! We often ask ourselves what will our futures hold? We seek answers from others, answers that can only be found within our own soul! Future's can be told by those with the vision to see, but, often our future is blurred by our own negative actions and reactions to life experiences, the future is not cut and dry, nor is it black or white, it is often speckled with lines of gray and laden with karma that we must pay! We create our future with each passing day, the decisions that you make today will determine where you are a year from now, and your future decisions will collectively determine the course your life will ultimately take, through ...

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The Point Of Power!

A while back I wrote an article called Immanence, the point of the article was to stress that the Goddess and the powers that be are always present and accounted for within our own lives and that everything that we want, need and desire is also present! I cannot stress the importance of learning to own and to accept responsibility for the role that you play in creating your own-life, you are responsible for every second and for every thought that you have previously had that has led up to this very place in time, to this very moment!  True change comes from within, we have the power to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, we have power over our physical presence in this life, mind over matter, thought can bend and shape the physical into whatever our minds can conjure. Unfortunately as living, breathing, sentient-beings we have a knack of focusing our mental strength on the negatives in our lives making them stronger than they should be, giving them power to destroy all of the po ...

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Hallowed Karma

Magical action without forethought is like handing a loaded pistol to a 3 year old child, the disastrous trail of events that follow will surely create a life filled with strife, and misfire! Magic mishandled is dangerous, and the karmic tear that is created will ripple for future-lives to come, for as you cross from this life into the next, your spiritual suitcase will be filled with all your deeds, good or bad, and better be those deeds good, because the harshest moment of judgment comes when one must be honest with themselves!We as spiritual beings are connected to all things, the web of life is one that can often be tangled, and messy, no one ever told me as a student of the universe that life would be easy, or the decisions that I would make, or have to make be cut, and dry!The decision making process is ritualistic as thought tends to be repetitive, public speakers go through a ritualistic thought process before giving a speech, thought is not merely words, it is a series of idea ...

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A Witch's Journey

I have been a practicing Witch since the age of 11, I started on my path at a young age, luckily there were others in my family following a similar path and in my segregated family this paved the path for me, segregated in terms of religion vs what they called Devil worshiping, at family gatherings you had the Southern Baptists on one side of the room, with the Wiccan, Pagans, Psychics on the other side, needless to say that family gatherings could get very interesting! Though I have studied many aspects of witchcraft to date I have received all of my initiations as a Wiccan High Priest, I received my second and third degree initiations by a solitary teacher out of Buford, Georgia, that was 20 years ago, her name was Janet, she was known by her craft name as Lady Purusha, I studied with her for three years, she had an interesting approach and view about Witchcraft, she believed in duality ...

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Immanence , here, and now! It is important that we find our inner-balance and accountability for our own lives! Nature exists in all things, and therefore, we as spiritual beings are connected to all things, it is not the few, but, the whole that makes up the sum of totality, the sum of humanity! Like it or not, you are connected through a spiraling web to everything that exist, therefore, every action, every word spoken, or thought unspoken, will affect the flow of energy from you, and unto you! This is a major reason that I urge my clients to focus on their desires, rather than all of the drama that they are going through, and I also encourage them to take a step back, remove themselves from the chaos that is being created by the discord in their relationships, or perhaps the pressure that they are dealing with financially, the more that you focus on the negative, the more complicated the problem becomes! When we focus on  Immanence , we become an active force within our own l ...

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