Troubled Times!

Fall is fastly approaching; this is a scene two years in the making. Yet, as an empath, the energy feels so heavy to me, sometimes almost too much! Hallowmas is approaching, and many souls have left their human host in the past year.   Abruptly parted from their life-path, missing out on the lessons they have to learn, perhaps the pandemic was a lesson or possibly a cruel joke.   Either way, it doesn't feel good when you lose someone you love prematurely. But, unfortunately, we have lost more in the past two years than in a hundred years.   Death is part of our life lesson and our life plan; no one lives forever, and rightfully so, if we lived forever, it would remove our incentive to love, learn and grow while we are here.    Death is not to be feared, for it is a doorway to another world, another adventure, another chance to get right what we got so wrong the first time around, or the fifth, or the sixth. We live many times, and we collect a lot of in ...

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2020, The Year Of Covid

To many people, 2020 will always be the year of massive despair and death. The divisiveness caused in our country by a deranged man's deliberate acts will be one for the history books. We all know that there are things that separate us, our differences. During a crisis, we should be able to lay aside our differences and come together as one group of people to fend off that which intends to kill us all! The sad reality is that we are still being stalked by an unseen predator, one that has no face and kills without discretion! It seems as though we are always fighting, neighbor against neighbor, sister against sister, and brother against brother. We fight in resistance to someone else's religion; we don't like that they believe in a God different from our own. We hate the people across the street because they are gay and they have a child!  There is too much violence, too much destruction, and too much death in the world in which we live. I know that we will not always get along; ...

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Bridge To Love

Love is powerful and often unforgiving energy. As I sit at my desk during one of the most significant pandemics in my lifetime, I think about what love means to me, to you, and the rest of the world. Love is survival, and it is watching our children grow into adults. Love is wanting a better world for everyone. It shouldn't matter that your skin is a different color than mine, or that you live in a different part of the world than I do. The fact is that we all need each other, and one race should not dominate another. Religion should not be used as a weapon, and it shouldn't matter that we believe in a different deity. There is more than enough room for each of us to worship as we choose, and it is okay if we decide not to pray or believe in a higher power. God or a deity is not to blame for our misfortune; we are. We have lost our humanity; we have forgotten that blood flows from each of us as the color red. We breathe and bleed the same, and we hurt, we cry the same color of tears, w ...

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Vote By Mail

As I sit here and reflect back in time. I think about things I have done, somethings I could have done differently, people I have hurt, people I have helped, luckily the people I have helped outweigh the people I have hurt! I have meditated, visited the water Goddess at the branch behind my house. I have scried and used my tarot cards, and I can tell you the future looks bleak. I am one of the most positive people that I know, and when the storm clouds pass, the light returns. But here are the problems folks, we have a president that would rather put American lives in danger by holding rallies, such as the one in Oklahoma #OklahomaTrump that flopped on its ass.  This man's ego is so big he actually thought a million people were going to come and listen to the ramblings of an old delusional fool. We all have to get out and vote in 2020 or mail in our ballots, the current administration and by that I mean Donald Trump is trying to scare people away from mail-in ballots. How do you ...

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The truth is often scarier than our minds can take without breaking. We live in a modern world with things that change daily.  Technology is what we turn to in the time of a crisis. There are terrible things that happen in an instant like the great Tsunami of Lituya Bay, Alaska in 1958. It still holds the record for producing the highest waves in the world, I believe the waves were just over 1700 hundred feet.  The World has dealt with a lot of crises as of late, some created by man, and some that were created by the planet that we all reside on. We cannot ignore her warning signs any-longer. You see when nature is out of balance, the balance must be restored, and if man is not going to do that than nature will.  For example, Coronavirus is not the first contagion that the world has dealt with. In 1665 the Bubonic Plague hit London, it did not discriminate, it took many nobles as well as paupers with it. Though it was short lived after the Great Fire Of London and a hars ...

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Concrete Love

Love that goes unrequited is painful. Too often, we place ourselves into situations that are hard to set ourselves free; instead, we carry the burden around with us as if it were an appendage. The heart knows what it wants even if it makes no sense at all, some may label you as a masochist, deriving pleasure from the pain inflicted upon you. The truth is that love should be easy, but, it is the most difficult of all of the emotions to experience. I know I will catch flack from many of my readers and critics; I enjoy shaking people up; it makes them think. The scientific community will tell you that love is not an emotion, and this Witch will tell you that it is. I have witnessed the biggest-strongest men brought to their knees over a love that went wrong. It was a very emotional thing to watch, and this Witch with 30 odd years under his belt felt every ounce of their pain. We tend to try and put concrete boots on the person that we love, and love was meant to be free-flowing, tru ...

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Psychic Energy

My belief as a Witch pulls from many dimensions that this beautiful world has to offer. The Goddess and God are not faceless, we see her 30-day cycle, and he rises daily. The bottom line is one would not exist without the other. The other day I was browsing a website, and to my surprise one of the Articles that I wrote about how accepting the Craft is where their Gay and Lesbian counterparts are; anyway the comments were crude, inaccurate, and I am happy that my Coven extends our hand to any faith, to any peace-loving person who is looking for enlightenment. Imagine walking into a gun store, but finding no guns, instead, the man behind the counter explains to you why you shouldn't buy a gun. You would leave the store very confused, after all, they are a gun shop. My point is that you must decide for yourself what to allow into your life and the behavior you are going to exhibit to the rest of the world. The worst thing that any of us can do is to wander aimlessly through life with n ...

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A Special Tribute

Life should not be taken for granted, and I am a Witch whose policy is to accept the person and not necessarily their beliefs. Your beliefs are those of your own, and you should never allow someone to belittle them or scold you for what you believe to be true. I have Christian clients, Catholic, Protestant, as well I have other Witches as clients. I have at times been critical of other faiths, but, I try not to allow that to cloud my judgment when deciding who I should or shouldn't accept as a client. Life is a spiral, and there is symbolism everywhere to prove it. When you cut a tree down or when nature takes its course, and lightning strikes cutting it down, look at the top of the stump, you should be able to see the center of the tree, and there you will find the beginning of that trees life. There will be a spiral that will stop just at the edge of the tree. The tree is only one example I can offer; for instance, our finger-prints are spirals, I find it fascinating that no two fi ...

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Light Of The Moon

May the light of the Moon guide you when you are lost may she be the beacon that safely returns you home. We go through so many changes with each passing Moon, whether that Moon is the New Moon, Full Moon. Each Moon has its own energy, and the way that ritual is worked during any given Moon is different. There are no two situations exactly alike, therefore no two rituals will be exactly done in the same manner. The heart is said to be the strongest muscle in the body, I have witnessed grown men, tough in attitude who has been brought to their knees by their very own heart!  One should never assume that they have dominion over magic, a Witch is trained in the art of magic, I have been trained in many forms, for the novice, unless you have a really good teacher, candle magic is the way to go. There really is no wrong or right way to conduct a ritual. You have to allow yourself to gel with the emotional energy of the situation, you need a clear picture of what you want, and ...

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There are many reasons a spell or ritual may not work. The one that I see the most often is my client growing impatient and gives up if it is worth a magical investment, then it is worth waiting for your magic to manifest. There are times that I feel I run a daycare for Adults, and I find myself saying too many of my clients stay focused and patient. I understand the emotional trauma from a breakup, the end of a marriage, I have gone through breakups, ended relationships. I have also used magic to enhance my love energy, and the love of my life came to me in September of 1999, and we have been together ever since. We have invested 18 years together, and we have a beautiful little boy, we adopted him, and he came from the delivery room to our home, and there is no greater joy than his smile and laugh. You will never accomplish anything by feeling sorry for yourself, and yes you are human, and you have to work through those raw emotions. Anger from a breakup is the most volatile than ...

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