Sitting here at my computer this Wednesday morning March 22nd, 2006 I find myself faced with many of the same issues and topics that I have discussed before in previous articles. As you all know by now when I write an article at times it is based on self-experience, or the life experiences of those around me, such as my family, friends and my staff. This morning as I prepared to sit-down and answer my email I found that my inbox was swamped with new contacts asking about guarantees on love spells, money spells, etc? Now, at first it really irritated me, but as I continued to review my email it made me realize something that I have heard people say time and time again, read before you buy or sign on the dotted line?. You do not go to a dealership to buy a car and sign a blank contract, you do not just assume that because the dealership advertises on television, the radio or in the newspaper that they will do right by you, now I understand that comparing my business to the ...
The Heart Of The Matter!
The heart may very well be the strongest muscle housed within the human body, after all, it can withstand blow after blow of bone crushing disappointment, it can take a lifetime of abuse before reaching its breaking point. How do we know when enough is enough? How do we gauge just how much abuse and turmoil our hearts, mind and body can take? I have often heard that God never puts more on us than we can bear, unfortunately most of the folks that I have heard that saying from were Christian and at least three of the seven that used that phrase religiously committed suicide and that is where my issue with that saying comes into play, because if God never puts more on us than we can take, why did they take the cowards' way out? Love, true love is hard to find and is often overlooked, because although we think we know what we are looking for, more often than not that is simply not the case. Each and every individual who embarks upon the journey to find true love, often finds ...
The Facts
Hundreds of people contact me on a daily basis; some are looking for sincere help, while others are simply looking for the quickest and easiest way to obtain what they desire, without having to extend themselves and without having to work for it or put forth their own energy. The fact of the matter is, that nothing in this world worth having comes easy and anything that is perceived worth having that comes easy is just an illusion, it is not real and will vanish just as easily as it manifested. Haven't you ever heard the old saying?.. Easy come and easy goes! We only get out of life what we put into it and at times a little more, but nothing absolutely nothing in this world comes to us without a price tag, including love. Think about it, people work hard every day and half kill themselves to acquire the American dream, some work two or more jobs just to be able to buy a house, a car, to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. They were able to acquire t ...
Return to me
The following is a ritual that I wrote and I feel that it holds a great deal of truth. Today is a day of reckoning, today I will come to terms with my person and I will no longer live my life suffering from self-deprival, I have existed day after day, quietly watching life pass me by, looking back it almost reminds me of an old time black and white movie, you know the kind where you have a picture with no sound! My love, I have stood by watching as you frolic and play with one faint hearted lover after another, I have watched while you give yourself freely to those who could never love you like I love you, who could never give to you a love free from chains, a love that is unconditional, a love that would do anything for you, a love that would suffer in deafening silence hoping against hope for a sign that your heart would soon be mine, I cannot tell you how long I have waited for a glance or even a nod that would acknowledge that you are aware that I exist, I remember ...
Manifesting Change
In order to manifest true change we first have to possess the desire to do so, if you have found yourself constantly struggling to maintain a relationship, hold down a job or if you work your behind off and you never seem to get anywhere your energy may be crossed up or it could be that there are negative imprints hanging around your aura or even trapped within your home. Psychic energy leaves an imprint, especially negative energy, and those imprints will not only replay themselves over and over again but will often fuel even the smallest of problems turning molehills into mountains and disagreements into separations! Here is an example, let's say that you and your lover have a disagreement in your home that eventually leads to a separation where one of you stays and the other one leaves, now, let's say that by some small miracle the two of you have talked and have reached an agreement to work things out and the wayward spouse moves back into the home, if the energy i ...
Suicide Is Not The Answer
The pain of losing someone can be devastating and it doesn't matter whether you lose that person to death or to someone else, the emotions that follow are all the same, in fact in my opinion death is often easier to deal with because there is at least a certain finality, closure, although death is far from final as the spirit moves on and evolves. Death is yet another doorway into life, a path that is lit with a brilliant white light, where the soul is able to lay the heavy burden of its earthly body down, shed its troubles and release its fear, the part of us that feels fear is the mortal part, the human part, the spirit knows no fear, in the etheric world energy is all the same, all consuming and encompassing, time doesn't exist as there are no clocks in the realm of spirit, time is intangible in the realm of spirit, however, in the realm of the physical time is marked by the changing of the seasons, the ever lucent glow of the Moon and the rising and setting of the S ...
Fear is a very powerful emotion that can either hold you back or compel you to do things that you never thought possible. The majority of the clients that I have worked with for the most part were all coming from a place of fear, and in the case of love spells my services are often sought when someone has lost or is on the verge of losing the one that they love. Fear is a normal part of life and can be just as healthy as unhealthy, a good example of a healthy fear, is the fear that a pedestrian feels just before crossing a busy highway, the fear of the rushing automobiles compel the pedestrian to look both ways and to refrain from taking unnecessary risks while crossing the street, that is unless they have a death wish, a good example of an unhealthy fear is the constant worrying about the impending illness or death of a loved one, none of us goes before our time, however, our constant obsession with our health or death may speed along the process and bring the impending ...
Unconditionally Yours
Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool, loving you both is breaking all the rules! Loving two people does not break all of the rules, but, having two lovers and leading them to believe that they are the only one in your life, does, break all of the rules and will reap you some costly karma. Most of the people that I work with who are caught in a love triangle, were thrust into the situation by the actions of their lover, now, there are the rare cases in which a client will come to me who is holding onto one lover, all the while attempting to unite or reunite with an old flame, it is very difficult to start a relationship with someone new, when you are still clinging emotionally and mentally to the one that you are currently with out of the fear of being alone. I know that there are a lot of what ifs? What if the one that I want doesn't want me? What happens if I let go of the one that I am with, and the one that I want doesn't come back to me? Chances are if you are ...
The Magic Within
I wrote this article over 22 years ago. You will see I didn't bother to change the dates; it is as relevant today, 5/27/2021, as it was back then. Many websites on the internet today provide services such as spell casting, psychic readings, cleansings, and of course, most of them sell a wide array of products such as spell kits, charms, amulets, herbs, and the list goes on. We recently attended an initiation to the first degree at a group based in Tennessee; on the way home, Angel and I stopped at one of Tennessee's largest Flea Markets, as we most often do when we travel. The flea market is just off of I-40 located in Sevierville, Flea Markets are fascinating, and while there is junk, you can find a treasure or two at times, especially if you are scouting around looking for altar tools. Now, I believe in the powers that be, I believe in the power of the universe, universal love, equality, cosmic balance, reincarnation and I also believe that within everything good you will f ...
The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief
1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters. 2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.We seek to live in harmony with nature in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept. 3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person.Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called supernatural', but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all. 4. We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity as masculine and feminine and that this same Creative Power lies in all people and functions through the interaction of the masculine and the feminine.We value neither above the other knowing each to be supportive of the other.We value sex as pleasure as the ...