Self Empowerment

Lady of light, she who is the embodiment of all that is and all that will ever be, I stand before you with my soul bare as the day that I was born, Mother I hold no secrets from you, for you see and know all! Your awesome power surges through me, and my spirits are lifted from the darkness that without you would surely consume me! As I rise from the darkness I see my life with a clearer vision, I see the work that I must do to help myself, as well as others, and I see for the first time that my goals are attainable! Mother I am so ashamed for I have been so ungrateful for all the good that I have in my life, for I have pushed and strived for more because what I have just never seemed enough! But now Gracious Mother I am awake like never before, my spirit has risen from its slumber and I know, and I now see that you gave me all that I need to survive and to progress in life, I feel like such a fool, it was there all this time, waitin ...

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A Beltane Message!

My love has grown stronger and my desire evermore intense, the days that I have spent without you have been long and meaningless, the nights even more frigid, as the thought of you laying in the arms of another crosses my mind, I cannot erase that image as it lingers, oh, the pain, the pain that I must go through, the pain that I put myself through, in agony I scream as the thoughts of days gone by race through my mind, days that I may never reclaim, and the visions of memories that could have been, memories that I may never have the chance to create with the one that I love! Memories that were stolen away from me by a cruel and uncaring manipulator, memories that in time shall be used against me, like weapons of mass destruction, weapons aimed at my very soul, oh beloved, how I long for your love and affection, for your love has always sustained me, and your kisses, your sweet, sweet kisses have given me the strength to carry on when I was at my weakest, but w ...

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The Gay Witch! Gay Love Spells

Modern day religion has shunned both gay and lesbian followers, while Witchcraft, Wicca, still embraces both gay men and lesbian women. My feeling is that the leaders of certain religious sects that follow the path of Christ, greatly underestimates the value of our community, and mistakenly underestimates our worth in this world that we live in. I have never bought into the belief that men nor women were created in the image of God, the Godhead is a concept that without us wouldn't even exist, for God to exist he or she must have followers, they must have believers, the Godhead is like everything else in this world, it is pure energy and for that energy to continue to grow it must be fed! The politics that surround religion can be traced back to the beginning of time, but who is to say really when time first began, time is a magical concept that no one really understands, and yet there has been millions of dollars spent by modern day scientists t ...

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Emotional Release!

The emotional release poem was written by me three years ago for a very dear friend whose lover of eleven years was finally pressured just enough by his family to leave him. You came into my life on a Sad September day, I never expected your arrival for you were so far away. My life was a mess and my heart locked tight within a vault, my life was a mess and it was all my fault. You came into my life and you took the pain away, you came into my life and you stole my heart away! I never had a say in the matter for you had all of the control, it was up to you which way we rolled! The power was yours because I relinquished unto you, I gave you my all and withheld nothing back from you! Today is a bit different because I can see things now that I couldn't see then, I can see things clearly and I know where I have been, my truth has been revealed and I now know where I came from, my only uncertainty is that I don't know where I am headed, reality has set ...

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Love Yourself Into Victory!

Love is but a four letter word, one may wonder how such a small word can evoke such powerful and overwhelmingly emotions? The word in itself is nothing more than a thought that is given birth to by those who seek comfort and solitude in the arms of another. As we already know "thoughts are living things" when you ponder, you lay claim to those thoughts and you set the wheels in motion, moving ever so closely to obtaining your desire and goals, but, and there is always a but! When you deviate from your plan, when you shift your focus from the positive aspects of love, to the negative, the negative is often what is reaped and those fluffy feelings of love often go unfulfilled. Unfulfilled is a harsh reality that will leave you numb and dumbfounded as to why you seem to be so unlucky at having and holding what seems to be ever so fruitful for those around you, it really doesn't have to be this way, you have the power to take control and change whate ...

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Love Triangles

Love is a free flowing energy that is housed in the Universe; love is available for any strong-hearted individual who has the intestinal fortitude to take a dive into its never-ending pool! Those who take the plunge either swim to victory or sink to the bottom like the titanic going down for the second time around! The problem with most people is pretty basic, they claim to want and desire love, but very few rarely know exactly what that means or how to obtain it, and those who do acquire it, often fear loosing it so much that they strangle the life right out of their relationship. The definition of love is different for everyone; no two people on the planet will ever share the same definition or point of view when it comes to love, why you may ask? The main reason is that as human beings we attach our own feelings to the energy, which is love, thus defining and personalizing the definition to suit our own needs, and no two peopl ...

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Code Of Ethics!

Every business or profession should have a code of ethics that is followed and adhered to during the course of its day-to-day operation. My business is no different than that of any other profession, I am in a business that requires me to deal with a very large number of individuals and my clients come from all ethnic backgrounds and walks of life and I have dealt with the richest of rich and the poorest of poor, they are all the same to me, for they are living and breathing human beings who are at times reaching out for help and trying to find a way to deal with the difficulties of their reality! The one thing that I have learned over the years is not to be judgmental or too quick to dismiss the feelings of someone else, because until you have walked a mile in their moccasins you can never really understand where they are coming from or where they are headed and what may seem trivial to me, may just be life altering or changing to them! In my ...

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DD-SS (Different day, Same Shit)

Negative Prosperity Patterns! I have heard it often said, that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, I believe this statement to be true and I also believe that if you look closely you can and will see how the above statement applies to you and your life. Take a moment to assess the many links that are in your chain, the links being the people that you are directly involved with and the chain being the flow of your life. If you examine the flow of your chain closely you will be able to identify those individuals who had an impact on your life and who played a part in setting things into motion, no one individual is totally responsible for the fate of another, each and every one of us share an equal part in creating the totality of the flow with those that we have chosen to be a part of our chain, thereby creating what we call family or shared karma. Like it or not the people that you choose to align yourself with will have a lasting effect on your life ...

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Circle Round!

Standing in the grove on a warm spring day in May you danced your way into my life and you lifted my spirit high unto the heavens, I was drowning in sorrow and despair, your smile gave me hope, and your strength gave me the courage to face my demons and to dispel my misery and sadness. My life without you had been a mystery, an empty shell, a corpse that stood silently in sorrow gazing off into the distance trying to find it's way home! I know now that I had lost my way and it seemed as though I would never find it again! My memories were filled with visions of you and of the beauty that I once held, better days that had passed me by, consorts and lovers who were no more for they had fallen victim to those who work hard to suppress us and to cause us harm! My precious circle was lost and my village was burned! All that remains is the bitterness and the emptiness that haunts me like pangs of hunger to a starving soul, my sorrow grows and as i ...

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White Witch Love Spells

I am always amazed, stunned and flabbergasted by those individuals who contact me in reference to reuniting them with a lover gone awry! They claim to love the person they desire to be with, but they are willing to go to any extreme to get them back, even black-magic! That is not love! In most cases after I explain to them the ramifications of partaking in black-magic I almost always decline working with and accepting them as a client. Why you may ask? Because what they have already participated in can and will have a negative impact on anything that I attempt to assist them with. Throughout life and our many incarnations we incur a little thing called karma, most people have no idea what that means and in layman's terms it simply means that you are responsible for your actions and thoughts and everything be it good or bad will come home to roost, the Universe will hold you accountable! It is far better that your actions be of a higher standard t ...

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