My Clients

* Koree - Winder (03/19/2008)

My husband left me four years ago for a much younger woman, in the process I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the hospital under psychiatric care, when I was released I started trying to find someone to help me with reuniting with Ted, I spent thousands of dollars on false promises of instant results. I found Phelan in 2006, the words that he spoke to me rang very true and for the first time I knew that I had found someone who would help me. Ted and are back together and Lisa is no longer in the picture, I am so grateful for the help that I received as a client and will most definitely be ordering from you again in the very near future.

* April - Cincinnati Ohio (02/25/2008)

Phelan: I love the way your so honest with everything you put in to yourself and others I love you very simply ROCK!

* Connie - huntley, il (02/25/2008)

I have had many changes this life an emotional roller coaster. Phelan's newsletters and straight to the point views provided me a vision for myself. Believing in myself, believing in the positive psychie, believing that I am worthy of love and positive energy....this is what Phelan has brought to me. I look forward to working with Phelan in the future and am grateful for the energy sent to me.

* Lysa - Manteca (02/25/2008)

Phelan, It has been two years since you crossed my path. Bob and I married on Valentine's day of this year. It has been a long learning experience for me... and I know there is alot more to learn, practice, and work on in the years to come for the sake of my own happiness. I must thank for helping me find myself and love myself once again, for that I am grateful, the rest just followed after that. I know I will get to where I want to be in life and if I need a little help, I can count on you to help guide me in the right direction. Your words, assistance, and kindness has made a positive difference in my life. Thank you. My best to you and your staff for all your hard work.

* Gina - New Jersey (02/25/2008)

All I can say is wow! I had the Kundalini Binding done just a few short weeks ago and have already begun to see the first results! things are happening that never would have happened before. I have not recieved all results just yet, but I can actually feel myself getting closer as I stay focused. Just wanted to post this to give everyone else some positive energy and let everyone know how wonderful Phelan truly is. Although I know he will say he is just the catalyst, the real majick comes from within, but without the jump start from Phelan, none of this would be possible. Hang in everyone!

* Jessica - UK (02/25/2008)

Hi Phelan, I think that the kundalini binding you performed for me in May may be starting to manifest some results. Since you did the spell I had not seen Ken for a long time, other things have kept us apart and painful though it has been I feel he and I needed the time apart. I have also been out of the country for the last few weeks but felt during the time that something was happening between him and the 'intruder'. I kept having odd dreams of her appearing to be really evil and scheming in them and I felt he was going through a lot of stress. I heard last night through some mutual friends that they are going through some 'trauma' and although as yet I have no idea what this trauma is, I ... more...

* Kathleen - Kansas City (02/25/2008)

You are true and I have grown a lot through this process and I've seen a lot of growth in a certain person with the aura cleansing.

* Kristin - Indiana, Usa (02/25/2008)

Phelan, I have only been under your care for a very short time. However, I came to you with a LOT of faith and belief in what you do. I also came to you with previous knowledge of works such as yours. I have people in my life that are believers and practitioners. I needed an outside guide and practitioner. I needed someone that had no previous knowledge nor direct affilliation with me and my situation. As you say, someone that is not already passionate and could/would/might allow their personal feelings to get involved. I found you. I have been blessed. Your newsletters alone are inspiring and full of a wealth of uplifting information. Asking you to perform a spell on my behalf, especailly a ... more...

* Gillian - UK (02/25/2008)

I just really wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been submitting positive comments on this, it is very inspirational to all of us who are waiting for our results to manifest!!! Please continue to post your wonderful comments!!! Already without my result even manifesting yet, I feel like my beauitful self again, im not 100% but if anything this man makes you believe in yourself again. Thanks Phelan G xx

* Rekha - Singapore (02/24/2008)

Phelan, you are right! I came to you last month, so heart-broken about my teacher's training course. I felt i could not cope with the course! You kept telling me to focus and think positive about my goals and embrace the situation. Gosh..At that point in time, i thought i will go mad. Really...i really thought i would lose my sanity! But you told me to remain positive and embrace the situation no matter how hard it seemed. Boy am i glad i listened to you and accepted the situation....becuase now, i received news from the ministry of education that they are looking into my appeal and reopened my case. I think you know what i am talking about...the letter to the minister has gone ... more...

* Hana - Boston (01/16/2008)

My husband left me for a much younger female, I felt as though she used black magic to steal him away, Phelan your magics have helped me in ways that I never knew possible, I am so happy that you took me on as your client, I have a lot more work for you to do, Claude and I are together again and I equate that to your help.

* Cherilyn - Texas (01/15/2008)

First I need to apologize to you, you have a lot of clients and people who are constantly pulling on you and I was very selfish and wanted your attention every minute of the day, you were very patient and in retrospect I realize that my behavior could have cost me your valuable help and that would have been my loss because with your help I have manage to win back the heart of the one that I love and I cannot thank you enough for that. There were times when I felt like my email to you went unanswered or wasn't answered fast enough, and for that Phelan I apologize to you and I hope that you accept my apology. My husband and I are back together, and there is no doubt in my mind as to why, it wa ... more...

* Selima - Newport (01/14/2008)

Your root bags are by far the most potent that I have ever found on the internet or in a botanica as far as that is concerned, I have used both your love and money bags and have had a huge success, my love life has improve immensely and my money is starting to flow smoother.

* Doyle - Ireland (01/14/2008)

Before I found Phelan I spent thousands of dollars on psychics, spell casters and the likes. Every single one of them made me guarantees and even gave me certain dates that my wish would come true and of course they were all false. Phelan has performed a series of spells for and never once made a promise of any kind, with his help directing me towards my focus I have manifest all of my desires, including reuniting with my wife and enhancing my prosperity. Phelan keep up the great work!

* Carianne - Texas (12/16/2007)

My husband was taken from me by a voodoo queen, this woman tortured me in my dreams for years, she did several skin bindings on Tim and she turned my son and daughter against me, my step son committed suicide during all of this. Phelan you are a Godsend, if it weren't for you and your skills I would have lost everything including my family. Tim and I are back together and we have relocated to another state, I need more protection work done and I trust no one other than you to help me! Bless you Phelan!

* Greg D - Canada (12/14/2007)

Phelan it was this time last year when I contacted you and inquired about a love spell, you accepted me as a client and performed several groups of spells on my behalf, I was impressed with the fact that when I would ask for additional work to be done that you would tell me that it was solely my decision and you never tried to influence my decision, and for that I am grateful! Marti and I are now back together and working things out, I wish to continue working with you to secure my relationship and create positive cash flow for myself, I will be in touch soon.

* Nadine - Charlotte (11/23/2007)

Phelan I never thought in a million years that I would be writing you to tell you that my man and I are back together, I have been your client now for nearly four years, three of those years you have spent working to reunite me with Rod, I know that I was not your model client by no means, but I just wanted to say thank you for never giving up on me, the endless email that you responded to, the countless phone messages that I left for you, I know that I was a pain in your rear, but you are a wonderful and caring man. Happy holidays to you and yours.

* Betty - Florida (10/04/2007)

Two years ago you advised me to keep my distance from my husband and you refused to work with me to reconnect us, I was very angry at your refusal to help me, but you told me that I would understand very soon and as it turns out you were right, my husband was just convicted of child molestation and sentenced to twentyone years, the lady whose son that he molested filed a civil against him and luckily because our divorced finalized eight months ago they are unable to touch my money or my home, I am so relieved that you cannot even imagine, I feel so bad for the child that he did that to, Phelan I owe you a huge apology, but the one thing that I can say in my defense is that on some lev ... more...

* Denray - Mass (10/01/2007)

Phelan you are the Witch, with your help my finances are back on track and my wife and I have just recently go back together. You took me on as a client in Septemeber of last year, you performed several spells for me to reunite me with my wife and in October you performed another spell package for me right around Halloween, I must admit that there were times that I would get frustrated and do stupid things that worked against my progress, you even threatened to drop me as a client at one point, that was truly a wakeup call, but you didn't, instead you continued your support through email, Phelan your help and support has proven invaluable, you saved my life and gave me a second chance with m ... more...

* Tommy - Charleston (09/24/2007)

Three year's ago my wife left me for another man, as it turns out the guy that she left me for practices voodoo and he used it to steal her away from me, I fell victim to many magical attacks and in the process lost my job, my house was foreclosed on and my car repossessed. Serena tried many times to leave him and return to me, each attempt was thwarted and futile, I was referred to Phelan by a friend and soon after he accepted me as a client he went to work. Serena and I are back together, my health has improved and I am back working. Although we are back together I feel the need to continue working with Phelan, I am afraid that this guy will unleash his demons on me again, with your help P ... more...

* Billie - Texas (09/22/2007)

My husband and I were separated for four years and eight months, prior to separating we went to counseling and could not resolve our issues, so he had an affair and eventually left me. I went to many spell casters some on the internet and several that live in my area, none of them were able to help me, I found Phelan on the internet last year and he performed the Kundalini binding and blood moon ritual for me, the last communication that I had with Sam at that time was three years earlier, I am beside myself and just couldn't wait to write you Phelan to let you know that we are back together and I cannot thank you enough for all of your help, you have a friend for life! Thank you agai ... more...

* Anne - Atlanta (09/19/2007)

Phelan I just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks for all the work that you have done for me, it has paid off, I got the job that I asked for and my boyfriend and I are now back together. You were right, I was so impatient that I couldn't be still and I was casuing myself even more pain and grief by chassing after him, the tables turned just like you said they would once I stop the insanity. You have inspired me and I will continue working each day on myself. Bless you Phelan

* Eldrin - Flint River (09/17/2007)

By the time that I found you on the internet I had already been taken advantage of so many times by fake psychics, witchs and even a woman who said she was a catholic spiritualist, Phelan I was on the brink of losing any and all hope of the possibility that my ex wife and I would get back together. We had been separated at that time for five years and she was actively dating a guy that she later became engaged to, any way when I found your website I found my last glimmer of hope, that was three years ago, this past June would have made a total of eight years that my wife and I have been apart, the last three years I have spent working with you, reading your articles, and you have given me a ... more...

* Kyle - Americus (08/31/2007)

I first came to you Phelan in 2003, you accepted me as your client and you were very blunt, straightforward and outspoken, you told me straightaway not to expect a miracle in regards to reuniting with my wife and of course you were right. It was four years this past February that I sought your help and to be honest with you I had pretty much given up any hope that I would reunite with my wife, but, Phelan, you will not believe what I am about to tell you, we came back together and remarried on July 4th of this year, she told me that she constantly had dreams of the two of us and in the dream there was a mans voice telling her to give me a second chance, I believe that voice to be none other ... more...

* Carlene - Arizona (06/29/2007)

The honesty and integrity of Phelan, his staff and the wisdom in all of the articles on malewitch gave me the hope and confidence that I needed to move forward with my life. My husband and I had been apart twenty seven months when I was referred to Phelan by a friend who had also used his services, needless to say that I was beat down and my spirit was broken, Phelan lifted me out of the darkness and showed me the way to get back to where I needed to be, Mike and I reunited seven months ago and we are still working through our difficult issues, I know in my heart that had it not been for Phelan this would never happened and I would not have gotten a second chance at happiness with my ... more...

* Troy T. - Ohio (06/27/2007)

My life partner and I was split apart by an ex of his who was very vindictive and jealous, we stayed apart for close to two years, I think it was about eighteen months when I found Phelan through an ad in a local paper here in Ohio, the funny thing is that I never read that paper I only used in for the birds cage, but I am very glad that I finally decided to look through it, Phelan did the Kundalini binding for me along with I believe the valentines love spell and poof it worked like a charm, I know things are not perfect but we are together and that is all that matters to me. Thank you Mr. Phelan.

* Sand - VA (03/10/2007)

Phelan you are a godsend and you are an angel! The first time that I contacted you was in 2001, my husband and I had been split up at that time for seventeen months due to his indiscretion, you worked with me and within a year the two of us were back together, everything was fine until 2005 and I was tempted by fate and had an affair, I was so racked with guilt that I came clean and we split again for the second time and divorced, last year in March I contacted you and again you generously accepted me as your client and through the powers of magic that you generated for me we were remarried this year on Valentines day, I want so bad to give you a great big kiss Phelan and to tell you that th ... more...

* Bobby - TN (03/04/2007)

Phelan my wife and I are back together again, you are amazing, I wish that I found you a year before I did and I cannot even tell you how many other sites that I tried before finding you, those other sites will not even answer an email after they get your money, you do that and more, thanks so much for your help. I will stay in touch and like you have told me a thousand times already I will keep my focus!

* Ned - Canada (02/21/2007)

I came to your site a year and six months ago, I had you perform the Kundalini binding and a few other rituals that I chose from your website, I was and I am still impressed with your professionalism and the way that you and your staff have all handle my case and the numerous inquiries that I have made during this time, you work so hard at what you do and you go out of your way to keep us all informed of any changes that you or your site may go through, simply amazing! I came here today with a very light heart and wind in my step, the issue that I originally came to you for has been resolved and the love of my life and I are once again back together, the most amazing thing that I learned abo ... more...

* Harriett - Florida (02/19/2007)

I was going through so much turbulence, my finances and my relationship were in the toilet, my man left me for another women, which it turned out that she was using voodoo to get to him, with your help Phelan we turned it all around, I am so happy that I found your site when I did, your help as given me so much to hold on to. You are the greatest Phelan!

* Art & Beth N - Alabama (02/16/2007)

You saved my life and have given me a second chance with my family and the people that I love! Your magic is wonderful, but the approach that you take at life, the articles that reflect tried and true methods and the guidance that you provide has proven invaluable to me, with your help I changed my mind and attitude about life, I quit smoking, I quit drinking and I am going to group therapy to help with my chemical dependency on drugs and alcohol, I told my wife about you and she has been visiting your site for the last couple of months, she told me that she has found comfort in the writings on your site, please keep up the good work that you do for all of us and know how much you mea ... more...

* Linda Lu - Mass (02/16/2007)

I just couldnt wait to tell you that my man and I are back together, it happened Thursday morning, you did the Kundalini binding for me about a year or so ago and I decided to have the Valentines ritual done and while I know that you just finished up with that ritual on the 14th, I just really feel that it helped kick things over the top, he told me that he felt compelled to call me in the middle of the night, Phelan I havent spoken with him in over seven months, it is simply amazing, I cannot thank you enough for all of your help, I just dropped a little something in the mail to you today to show my appreciation, I hope you like it and I hope it fits!

* Steve - North Carolina (02/02/2007)

My wife left me for a woman and to say the least I was devastated, as it turns out the woman that she left me for practices voodoo, which explains a series of events that at the time there was no explanation for. I came to you in March 2005, you were so blunt and upfront that it was a little scary, and while you told me that there was little to no hope, you ever so gracefully accepted my case and Phelan I am writing you today to tell you that my wife and I are back together, I know for a fact that black magic voodoo was the reason we split apart in the first place and as a boomerang effect I lost my job, we lost our house and both of our cars were repossessed and my daughter was bit by a sna ... more...

* Melinda - United Kingdom (01/26/2007)

I have always been skeptical about things that I cannot see and I am sure that my skepticism made it that much harder for the magic that you cast to manifest for me. My situation was drastic and I was so very desperate when I found your website, prior to finding you I had the displeasure of visiting several other sites that are very popular and offer spells for the low cost, it is so true that you get what you pay for, but that doesnt simply apply to Phelan and his staff because I know from my own personal experience that Phelan went above and beyond the call of duty when it came to dealing with me, I just dont know how he does it, there is not another magical website out there that will giv ... more...

* Pati - TN (01/18/2007)

I realize that most of your clients whose better half has left come to you seeking a love spell or a way to reunite them with their partner, I was also one of those individuals, the exception in my case is that I wanted to develop a greater understanding as to why my husband and I split apart, there was so much about my own behavior that I couldnt grasp. I enlisted your help and had several sessions with you, during the sessions much to my surprise we uncovered a lot of stuff that I had done wrong with my husband and even the relationship prior to him, Phelan with your help I learned to release my negative patterns, renew my self esteem and most of all during the process I learned to will my ... more...

* Enrique - New Mexico (01/16/2007)

I was under severe Psychic attack, I moved seven times in two years trying to escape it and it seemed that no matter where I went it found me. I finally found you through several referrals that I received from people that I work with, they too had used your services for various reasons and you did an outstanding job with them when I heard this I didnt hesitate and I am glad that I didnt, you performed a cleansing, protection and several customized packages for me, I am happy to report that I have not suffered a Psychic attack in the last four months and as a result of your services my money has straightened out and my lover and I are now back together! Phelan you are amazing and I know that ... more...

* Kendra - Louisiana (01/14/2007)

My boyfriend and were split apart by evil, mean and nasty people, I turned to you after so many others took advantage of me and you were able to help me, you were the first spell master that took the time to offer comforting words to me, even before you were working with me you were so kind! Phelan you are an angel in the devils world, the love of my life and I are back together and I will be in contact with you soon to add some reinforcement to the arsenal of spells that you have weaved for me, your spells are for real and more importantly you are for real. I love you my friend!

* Lisa - Arizona (01/14/2007)

Phelan you did a fertility spell for me about six months ago, I am forty-six years old and I had just about resolved myself to the fact I would never have a baby. My husband and I both have been wishing desperately for a child and I am happy to report that I am two months pregnant, I am so excited and my husband is so happy! Phelan I will keep you posted, John and I would like to make you our childs honorary God Father.

* Lynn P - Florida (01/07/2007)

My husband and I have been split up since 2003, there was so much interference from his family and a girl that he picked up in a bar that I had just about lost any and all hope on ever getting with him again. I love him so much, Phelan you showed me that magic works, at least your kind of magic works, I had gone to a local black witch before I ask you for help, as a result you had to do extensive work for me, and you scolded me several times because I wouldnt focus as you told me to, I am glad that you took the time to reply to my email even when it sounded so crazy, you are more than a practitioner, you are a real person with a huge heart and anyone who ever says different just doesnt know ... more...

* Ernie H - Delaware (01/04/2007)

Thank you Phelan for all of your wonderful help, you know I had played the lottery and other games of chance, during the phone reading you told me that I was playing the wrong type of games, I diverted my attention to the horse and dog races and have won more than enough to save my house and my cars, plus I have put some money towards a new business venture. Phelan when your right your right, my attitude sucked just like you said, I must admit that I got a little mad at you because you didnt candy coat anything, but now I am glad that you didnt, because it was that conversation with you that changed my whole outlook and turned my life around, Phelan keep throwing those punches!

* Marsha - United Kingdom (12/29/2006)

Phelan I cannot tell you exactly how many spell casters that I went to before I found you, I remember the day like it was yesterday, it was in June 2005, I was devastated and at that the end of my rope, I did a search on the internet like a hundred times before, but this time your site popped right up at the top, I have to admit that I was a raging skeptic, I read through the information on the site before I decided to register, I contacted you as my last hope, and that was the most amazing thing that I could have ever done, my husband and I are back together and though it has only been a short while I am optimistic that things will continue to work out, you performed the Kundalini binding f ... more...

* Nate - Danville (12/12/2006)

Phelan I just wanted to drop a note to let you know that since you did my work earlier this year my love life and money problems have improved beyond belief. You are truly a miracle worker, keep waving that magic wand and sprinkling your fairy dust, you know it is true that God blesses those who bless others and I know you must live a life filled with blessings. Thank you for helping me to keep my family together and for the prosperous blessings that you have bestowed upon us.

* Kitty - Ohio (12/03/2006)

Phelan I am so happy that I found you, three years ago I felt as my life was over, my husband left me and took both of our kids and he divorced me and within a matter of a few weeks in remarried a much younger woman and made her the step mother of my kids. Before finding I was lost, but what I found was warmth, compassion and understanding. I must admit I never had a tongue lasing like you have given me Phelan, but now I understand why and as a result me, Randy and our kids our once again a family, he said that he felt as if he had no choice in the matter and I know that is the magic that you inflicted him with. Bless you Phelan and happiness to you and yours this holiday s ... more...

* Marti - CO (10/09/2006)

Phelan, December is our three-year anniversary, I contacted you at the end of November in 2003 and you started working with me shortly thereafter, my goal was to reunite with my husband, Roy. Roy is no doubt one of the most stubborn individuals that I have ever dealt with and in all honesty if I didnt really love him I would have cut the ties years ago, but my emotions always get the better of me where he is concerned. 16 months into the process I was more than ready to throw in the towel, but somehow with your help I found the will to pickup the pieces of my life and move forward, all the while keeping sight of my goal to reunite with the love of my life in the back of my mind, Phelan you m ... more...

* Terrence - Tucson (09/06/2006)

My wife left me six years ago, I contacted you in 2003 and you declined to take me as a client because you said that I was so negative that I would undermine the work that you would do for me, a year passed and still no word from my wife and thousands of dollars wasted on other psychics, spell casters and voodoo doctors, I contacted you again, I was amazed to see that your site was still up and running and really that you were still here, many of the other people that I had used disappeared on me once I gave them my money, this time you accepted me as a client and although for me it has been hard and rocky you Phelan by far have been the best witch that I have used, my wife and I are now bac ... more...

* Brad V. - Canada (08/26/2006)

Phelan I just wanted to let you know that Mickey and I are back together, I know that you told me that it would happen, I just wish that I had listen to you a little sooner than I did, maybe if I had I wouldnt have driven myself crazy with so many obsessive thoughts and painting myself into a corner in my mind that I couldnt get myself out of. Mickey told me that he had no intention of ever taking me back, but that he kept having a dream of me dying and when he asked what I died of he was told a broken heart, funny, this started around the time that you first started working with me, I relate it to the work, strange I know, but this once disbeliever is a true believer not only in magi ... more...

* Sonya - Florida (08/21/2006)

I had tried so many other spell weavers before finding Phelan and his website, I will be forever in your debt for the work that you did for me and the information that you provide for those of us who are having difficulty. You are truly a master at your craft and I hope that you continue helping others as you helped me, my husband and I are together once again and the people that were interfering just up and stopped and have left us alone, thank you so much Phelan, you are an angel!

* Bianca - Puerto Rico (08/09/2006)

I love you and your website, it was totally refreshing to find a website of this nature that offers so much support, you are a compassionate individual who knows his stuff and Phelan you know what you are doing, my husband and I are back together and he has even agreed to go to counseling with me, I am so happy that I am in tears! Thank you for being here and for being who you are, I plan to continue using your products and services in the future.

* Andrew - Minnesota (08/05/2006)

Two years ago I felt that my life was over, that is until I found you, it was a very long process and at times I felt as though I would surely give up. Phelan you must have said a million and one times, stay focused! I am so glad that eventually I listened to you, my boyfriend and I have been back together for four months now, before you came into my life there wasnt a prayers chance that he would have anything to do with me. I now have my life back and we are getting back on track. Light and love.

* Daniel - Georgia (08/01/2006)

Phelan you are truly wonderful and talented at what you do, I appreciate all of the help that you have given and I am really considering continuing with some follow up work now that my girl and I are back together. Thank you so much, I will be in contact soon to get started on the other work.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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