Witchs Book of Power by Devin Hunter

Witchcraft isn't always about the search for enlightenment; sometimes it's about power and the path to obtaining it. The Witch's Book of Power shares the secrets to unlocking the witch power within you through: * getting to know the source of witch power * working with your three souls * exploring the Pentacle of Sovereignty * applying astrological knowledge * using ecstatic practices, breathing exercises, and meditation * connecting to archetypes, deities, and nonphysical allies. Devin has helped thousands of people discover their power and in this book he skillfully explores the concepts behind creating magic that can change your life. The Witch's Book of Power is the perfect resource for witches who know they can do better in life but need guidance on how to get there.
Category Paganism & Wicca,   Spellcraft, Witchcraft & Magic 
Model Number BWITBOOP
Price $21.99

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