Potential in the Palm of your Hand by Richard Webster

Potential in the Palm of Your Hand guides you through the beginning principles of palm reading so you can get started in minutes. Within the pages of this exceptional book, you'll find dozens of quick tips and hints as well as detailed descriptions of more than forty lines and features of the hand. Renowned palm reader and author Richard Webster shows how to read the textures, quadrants, mounts, prints, and other aspects of the hand to help you uncover artistic abilities, leadership traits, and personality characteristics that people never even knew they had. When you develop your talent for palm reading, you'll be amazed at how much joy and happiness you create for yourself and for the friends, family, or clients that you read for. A 5.2 x 7.9 inch book with 240 pages.
Category Divination & Psychic 
Model Number BPOTPAL
Price $18.95

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