16 oz Espiritu

Image Name Model Price
16oz Go Away oil OE16GOA $76.95
16oz Venus oil OE16VEN $76.95
16oz Tranquility oil OE16TRA $76.95
16oz Spirit Guide oil OE16SPIG $76.95
16oz Copal oil OE16COP $76.95
16oz Basil oil OE16BASIL $76.95
16oz Queen of Sheba oil OE16QUES $76.95
16oz Wishing oil OE16WIS $76.95
16oz Drawing oil OE16DRAW $76.95
16oz Flames of Desire oil OE16FLAD $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spells,heliotrope, OE16HEL $76.95
16oz Glow of Attraction oil OE16GLOA $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love, OE16KYP $76.95
16oz Astral Travel oil OE16ASTT $76.95
16oz New Mown Hay oil OE16NEWMH $76.95
16oz Pine oil OE16PIN $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love OE16LUVLL $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love, OE16LOVDR $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love, OE16LOVB $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love, OE16LOV $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spells,meditation, OE16MED $76.95
16oz Passion oil OE16PAS $76.95
16oz Peaceful Home oil OE16PEAH $76.95
16oz Counteracting oil OE16COUN $76.95
16oz Conjure oil OE16CONJ $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,love, OE16IRR $76.95
16oz Winning Number oil OE16WINN $76.95
16oz Shut Up oil OE16SHUU $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,holy, OE16HOLD $76.95
16oz Spellbreaking oil OE16SPEB $76.95
16oz Violet oil OE16VIO $76.95
libido,essential oils,calming the mind,pain relief, OE16AMB $76.95
essential oil,spells,magic,blessing,good vibes, OE16ALLP $76.95
16oz Aphrodesia oil OE16APH $76.95
16oz Better Business oil OE16BETB $76.95
16oz Desire Me oil OE16DESM $76.95
16oz Dream oil OE16DRE $76.95
16oz Financial Luck oil OE16FINL $76.95
ritual magic,anointing,aromatherapy,spell-crafting,home, OE16HOUB $76.95
16oz Tuberose oil OE16TUB $76.95
16oz Sweet Grass oil OE16SWEG $76.95
16oz Tobacco oil OE16TOB $76.95
16oz White Rose oil OE16ROSW $76.95
16oz Verbena oil OE16VER $76.95
16oz Special #20 oil OE16SPE20 $76.95
16oz Shi Shi oil OE16SHIS $76.95
16oz Spellcaster oil OE16SPE $76.95
16oz Steady Work oil OE16STEW $76.95
16oz St Jude oil OE16STJ $76.95
16oz St Michael oil OE16STM $76.95