1oz Oils

1 oz Oils Here you'll find our very own selection of oils, created both to be used within your magical practice and to add to the atmosphere of your home and sacred space with your oil diffuser. Each is a wonderful blend of essential oils blended with a carrier oil to provide for you a quality, affordable fragrance. Use them to anoint candles, talismans, seals, charms, and assorted other ritual tools to bring their energy and scent into your magic.
Image Name Model Price
Sandalwood oil 1 ounce OSANB $14.95
Tea Tree oil 1 ounce OTEAB $14.95
Vanilla oil 1 once OVANB $14.95
Water oil 1 ounce OWATB $14.95
Ylang Ylang oil 1 ounce OYLAB $14.95
Yule oil 1 ounce OYULB $14.95
Chamomile oil 1 ounce OCHAB $14.95
air element benefits,essential oils,oils, OAIRB $14.95
Strawberry oil 1 ounce OSTRB $14.95
Moon oil 1 ounce OMOOB $14.95
Helitrope oil 1 ounce OHELB $14.95
Jasmine oil 1 ounce OJASB $14.95
Lavender oil 1 ounce OLAVB $14.95
Lilac oil 1 ounce OLILB $14.95
Lily of the Valley oil 1 ounce OLILVB $14.95
Lotus oil 1 ounce OLOTB $14.95
Money Drawing 1 ounce OMONDB $14.95
Musk oil 1 ounce OMUSB $14.95
Nag Champa oil 1 ounce ONAGB $14.95
Neroli oil 1 ounce ONERB $14.95
Sweet Orange oil 1 ounce OORAB $14.95
Patchouli oil 1 ounce OPATB $14.95
Peppermint oil 1 ounce OPEPB $14.95
Prosperity oil 1 ounce OPROSB $14.95
Protection oil 1 ounce OPROTB $14.95
Rose oil 1 ounce OROSB $14.95
Rosemary oil 1 ounce OROSMB $14.95
Reversible oil 1 ounce OREVB $14.95
Rue oil 1 ounce ORUEB $14.95
Sage oil 1 ounce OSAGB $14.95
Samhain oil 1 ounce OSAMB $14.95
Amber oil 1 ounce OAMBB $14.95
Ambergris oil 1 ounce OAMBGB $14.95
Apple Blossom oil 1 ounce OAPPBB $14.95
Bayberry oil 1 ounce OBAYB $14.95
Bergamot oil 1 ounce OBERB $14.95
Black Opium oil 1 ounce OBLAB $14.95
Carnation oil 1 ounce OCARNB $14.95
Cedarwood oil 1 ounce OCEDB $14.95
Cherry Blossom oil 1 ounce OCHEBB $14.95
Cinnamon Bark oil 1 ounce OCINB $14.95
Copal oil 1 ounce OCOPB $14.95
Dragons Blood oil 1 ounce ODRAB $14.95
Egyptian Musk oil 1 ounce OEGYB $14.95
Eucalyptus oil 1 ounce OEUCB $14.95
Frankincense oil 1 ounce OFRAB $14.95
Frankincense & Myrrh oil 1 ounce OFRAMB $14.95
Gardenia oil 1 ounce OGARB $14.95
Healing oil 1 ounce OHEAB $14.95
Honeysuckle oil 1 ounce OHONB $14.95