Welcome to Malewitch.com!

My name is Phelan, I am a Male Witch, and Gifted Psychic, in my practice I utilize White Magic to effectively aid my clients in manifesting change within their lives.

In 2000 through the use of the internet, my practice expanded worldwide and my clientele is now largely international!

For the past 25 years I have been based in Atlanta, Georgia and have often met with clients in person, currently, I am not scheduling appointments with clients in person, phone readings and phone consultations are available for booking through the website once you have registered for an online account.

 One may ask themselves how does someone who is based in Atlanta, Georgia, help someone who is located in another part of the world?

 The answer is very simple, magic knows no boundaries and when desire is present and the will is strong, White Witchcraft can move mountains and manifest miracles and the belief in magic, whether that magic is black, white, or indifferent isn't necessary for it to have an impact on your life.

 In my practice I call upon the many different aspects of the Goddess and God, duality exists in all things and for all things there is a season; therefore, duality must be respected within nature and brought into balance within our lives and our magic in order for true change to manifest.

 I utilize many different ritual tools to tap into the natural flow of energy that surrounds us to assist my clients in accomplishing their most difficult life goals and magic is truly a process that must be nurtured and allowed room to flow unhindered where it can produce the results that are most needed and desired by my client.

 Love spells and spells to unite or reunite lovers should always be worked with the highest good in mind, and in action for all who are involved, too many times someone who has worked with another practitioner will contact me and ask me to work with them, I often hear stories about how much they love the person they seek to reunite with and right in behind that statement tell me how they have employed black magic to obtain their goal of reuniting with their lover!

 Black magic should never be used to reunite with a lover, for at best the results will be fleeting, at worst it can render the relationship beyond repair and the hope of reuniting forever out of reach!

 I work with my clients to improve all areas of their lives, whether your need is to manifest a new lover, reunite with an ex-lover, increase your prosperity, enhance the flow of your money, or you may have a need for shielding or psychic protection, whatever your need may be, white magic can significantly play a role in aiding you with the manifestation of your desires and goals.

 Please give me a call at the number listed on the website, it will ring all of my phone lines in Atlanta and be sure to sign up for a user account and contact me through the website, this is where you and I will communicate with one another via email, in an effort to control spam there is a small registration fee.

 Note: I do not receive any email outside of my website nor will I respond to voice messages requesting that I send a reply via email. If you would like to contact me via email, you must register as a user on my website.

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