* Mary Sue - Arizona (10/16/2012)

My family and I had been attacked for years. I would ask for help from a psychic, or spiritualist and something always happened to them, they would get sick, or attacked themselves and give up! These attacks caused needless bickering throughout the family over property that belonged to us all, but, my sister was trying in every way that she could to lay claim to.

I was drowning in debt, although I have money, I just couldn't keep up the pace with the demand, my husband started cheating on me with one of the women who was magically attacking us, my husband is a kind and gentle soul that comes from meager means and he would never hurt anyone, I know this about him, I have loved him for twenty years. It seemed like no matter where I turned help was fleeting, with no relief insight I attempted to drink myself to death and almost succeeded!

Phelan you were the only witch that could or would help me, I know that you were attacked many times because of me, but, you never bailed, and you told me not to worry that you and your coven could handle it, and you did! Thank you for bringing my man home to me, thank you for stopping the fights between me and my sister over the property that belongs to us both, and thank you for pulling my sinking ship ashore! Please continue your work for I know that there are many lost souls just like me who needs it! Bless you!

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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