* Gigi - TN (02/03/2011)

Dear Phelan,

When I came to you I was on my last leg and at the end of my rope. The burden of dealing with life without the one that I love by my side was unbearable. To make things worse people in my own family was working to keep us apart, namely my sister and a cousin. They succeeded in keeping us apart for almost 4 years, before coming to you I went to one practicing witch to another and never saw any results from what they did. You helped me and my man to come back together, you put an end to the trouble that my family was causing and you gave me a second chance at happiness. I just want to say thank you and that I feel pretty lucky that I found you. I know that I was difficult for you to deal with in the beginning, but I finally came around to see what you were telling me was the truth and I am glad that I did. I have sent you a few referrals and I hope that you will keep working with me in the future, I need help with a few other issues.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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