* Freddy - Silver Springs (08/12/2012)

I was being attacked by many different spirits. I went to many psychic people, just to be told that I needed to pay more and more money to rid myself of these demons. Phelan was recommended by my friend.

I called Phelan and left several voice messages, he was slow in getting back to me, but, he did call me back and now I understand why it took him a little extra time, Phelan has a lot of clients that he is helping.

This one particular spirit that would appear and attack me, would just appear from out of no where, it was very vicious.

Phelan was the only one that I described the attacks to that was able to tell me what it was, it is herpes and it looks like a bird-woman.

Phelan you were terrific and I am very indebted to you and will never be able to thank you enough for making this herpes woman leave me alone.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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