* Carl H | CO | 05|18|2021

In 2019 I was facing financial ruin; my business was failing me. It seemed that it didn't matter how I tried to revive it; nothing worked. I run a service-based business that depends heavily on clients, and new clients each quarter is a must.

I went to a friend who told me that I was cursed, and she took me for more than $10,000. We are no longer friends. I found Phelan through a Psychic fair that I went to, one of the Psychics referred me to Phelan.

She said he is the one who could help me, and she wasn't lying. As it turned out, an employee was working dark magic against me; she started her own business and tried to take my clients. My ex-friend was working against me, revenge for me stopping my work with her. Several other employees that Phelan suggested for me to get rid of, and I did. Phelan worked to revive my business and protection for my family and me. My work with Phelan has been the best investment I have ever made.

My company has turned around, and my client base is increasing steadily, which makes me very happy. Thank you, Phelan, for caring about your clients the way you do; without you, I am unsure where I would be right now. I wish you and your family the best!

Carl H.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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