What is a Psychic Reading?

A Psychic Reading is information given by me to you or any other individual, regarding lifestyle, personality, past, present, future experiences or regarding answers to any questions that are on your mind; using skills of clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance.

There are many reasons that an individual may want to receive a psychic reading, some people seek advice in regards to love, relationships, money and employment, others may seek advice from a psychic when dealing with a particularly difficult situation often pertaining to that individual's immediate incarnation (life), or perhaps in reference to a past life.

Past life lessons often come in to play in one's current incarnation, especially if those lessons were not received successfully (the lesson learned well). We often hear people say "if you learn from your mistakes then you won't repeat them twice", I believe this to be true and therefore if we learn our life lessons well, we no longer have a need to repeat them in this life or the next. Through spiritual guidance and psychic advice we can learn and it's the learning process that allows us to grow and to progress in our many incarnations (life) .

I have often assisted my clients in making difficult decisions by giving them a reading, by tapping into the cosmic energy pool and my clients' aura, many things can and have often been revealed that has made it possible for them to institute change and develop a greater understanding of self, self-awareness is of the up most importance in making life altering decisions, or trying to plot the correct course of love relationships, in viewing your life from a psychic standpoint you are often able to get a much cleaner and clearer perspective of things.

How to pay and schedule your psychic reading?

Psychic readings are given over the phone by appointment, and are paid online. You will need to look through my calendar and find the day and time that are suitable for your schedule. I do ask that you provide me with a telephone number that I may reach you at in order to give you your reading, if your phone has privacy director or a block that prevents private numbers you will need to remove it temporarily to allow me call through, at this time I am unable to accept appointments for clients outside of the United States.

Click here to schedule a phone reading online, paying with a credit cards.

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