* Leonard - Canada (09/26/2011)

I met the person that I love through my job. He was working as an intern and we clicked as friends from the start. I immediately told him that I was gay and he told me that he was not, but that he was open minded and drawn to me and hoped that we would be good friends. I accepted what he had to say, although I felt crushed inside, I was a few years older than him and decided to try and be the bigger and more mature person. A few months later we were hanging out, I am a very light social drinker and as it turns out he loves to drink. We were at a friends house and he followed me into the bathroom and planted a deep passionate kiss on me, later that evening we ended up at my apartment, he spent the night and the next morning he accused me of taking advantage of him while he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing. I assured him that he knew what he was doing and refused to apologize. He stopped talking to me for about three weeks and then one night showed up at my door, we talked and made up and agreed to be friends, the problem is that every time he drinks I am his booty call, the next day the same situation all over again and two to three weeks go by and then he comes back around. He was raised catholic by his grandma and has some real issues and during one the times that we were off again I allowed my temper to get the best of me and I really went off on him, I said some things that I didn't mean and he up and moved without telling me where he was going. I contacted Phelan and he gave me the help that I needed to reunite with him and to help him overcome his denial that he was gay. Today he is with me and we are happy, he has turned away from his radical grandmother and we plan to get married soon.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.

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