* Randy | Florida | (12/08/2015)

My wife left me at the behest of her mother, her people were always causing conflict in our relationship. In all we were apart 4 years and 6 months, the first two years I spent working with another practitioner. After spending my life savings and realizing that things were no better, I gave up. Six months later I felt compelled to try again and I found Phelan. At first I was a little put off because he is a very straight forward person and he put me in my place twice in less than a 10 minute phone call. He explained everything to me, he offered me no promises and no guarantees and he finished the call by telling me to sleep on it and if I decided to  seek his help  go on his site and create a profile. I felt stunned, and a little like a scolded puppy, I hung up the phone thinking what an asshole! The next morning I found myself on his website setting up my account, I asked him for his help and graciously agreed to take my case. Through the process with Phelan I felt like giving up more than once and he plainly told me that was my decision. I tried to rush the process, I wanted things to happen right then and there and he explained to me for the hundredth time that things didn't happen that way. I am glad that I finally stopped resisting the process and started living it, because that is when things started to change and Phelan guided me along the way and my wife and I reunited in March 2015. Thank you Phelan for believing in me and never giving up on me.

* The results that you acquire may vary, as each individual case is different and just as in life, there are no guarantees. Practitioners who offer guarantees are misleading you, and are not being truthful.