The Final Scene

Somewhere in the distant sky a star shines brighter tonight, as a mother who once rejected you stands by your bed with your hand in hers, a sad scene yes indeed, sad not for you because your pain will soon end, but sad for her, for her pain has just begun, she rejected you because of who you are, she rejected you because you could never live up to her expectations and be the man that she wanted you to be! Her love for you was conditional, she called you a faggot and she called you a queer and on Mother's Day of last year she denied you as her child, what kind of a mother could do that? What kind of a mother could scorn her only son and condemn him for who he is and for whom he wanted to love? I choked back my tears and I bit my tongue, for I had plenty that I wanted to say to her, but my friend out of respect for you I held my silence, until all was said and done, the final scene of your life here on earth played out before our very eyes and you tackled it with mu ...

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Psychic Attack

Speak not lest the spell be broken, these words boom in my head like thunder booming in the distant sky. It is hard to face and learn some of the lessons that our elders are trying to teach us, and speaking of ones Magic to those who might belittle it, will only weaken it and may even jeopardize the end result of our Magical goals! If you are a Spell-Caster or if you are seeking help from a Witch, Wizard, Wise Woman or Practitioner you must not speak about your weavings to anyone, to do so will cause great harm to the flow of your energy, Magic must be safeguarded at all times, no one owns the bragging rights to that which he cannot possess and Magic cannot be possessed, for it is not a possession, it is a gift that is given to us by the Divine Life-Force and it flows through us, just as it is given it can be taken from us! Practitioners of the Magical Art must learn to manipulate the elements in order to produce the desired outcome and we often utilize many differ ...

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Dreaming In The Real World!

There is a huge difference between Wish-craft and Witchcraft, wishing alone will not bring that which you seek into manifestation, therefore you must combine your emotions and will, fueled by desire with the act of doing, following through in order to call forth your desires into the earth plane. Roy Orbison says a lot and a great deal more with the written words of his song that he sings entitled In The Real World, as you can see he states that in our dreams we set aside the rules we know, what he is referring to here is setting aside the rules that our waking mind must acknowledge and adhere to, however in dreams we can accomplish so many things because the restrictions that are placed on our waking mind does not apply to our dreaming mind and furthermore you may not even realize how real your dreams really are! In dreams we do so many things we set aside the rules we know and fly the world so high in great and shining rings. Have you ever felt as if you were fall ...

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Doing Time!

Love shared and reciprocated between two people can be beautiful, full of hope and understanding, it can take you to heights of euphoria that you've never known before, however, love can and has often brought the strongest of people to their knees, leaving them wrinkled, alone, scared and often trying to recover from the crash that has left them feeling hopeless and misunderstood! I believe that as humans go, we are meant to experience the full gamut that love has to offer, and often that includes the heartache that is felt when love goes wrong, when the one that we love has planted that proverbial knife into our backs with the force of ten men, often times this happens without explanation, or because the one that we love has been lead astray, like some backwoods alley cat or a bitch dog that is in heat! Whatever the case may be, we must strive to restore a sense of decorum, to regain our self respect, in my opinion in order to f ...

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Widdershins As We Go!

Spirits of the West entering upon the wind, We greet you and salute you; we welcome you into our hearts. Enter our circle in perfect love and in perfect trust. Dance with us, the banishing dance, widdershins as we go, Prancing the circle in reverse, rounding 'round as we go, Unbinding and freeing ourselves from the negative bonds that bound us so, Cast off the shadows of doubt that clouds our mind and muddy our hearts, Cast off the shackles around our ankles and free our soaring souls! Spirits of the South, resting in the land of courage and creativity, Dance the circle 'round, widdershins as we go, Free our souls, our minds and our hearts, Grant us the courage to live our life with your divine spark, Creating the circle 'round, widdershins as we go! Spirits of the East, the land where all things begin anew, Clear our minds and our intellects, widdershins as we go. Dance the circle 'round freeing ...

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Modern Day Burning Times

Gather 'round my spiritual brothers and sisters; listen to a story that has been told by those of old, there is a storm brewing, and trouble in paradise is unfolding, the wolves are howling at the door! There are those on the planet who defy the laws of the land, there are those on the planet who know no mercy or compassion, and who has and will cause greater harm! They gather in their churches and they worship a dead man on a cross, they claim to have the holy word that was written long ago, they use their book against us as if it were made of stone, and they detest our rights as children of the Goddess, they curse our ways, they curse our Gods and they call us names! They point their fingers and they yell Witch! They point their fingers, and they throw bricks, their ancestors persecuted our Grandmothers and Grandfathers by dragging them to the pyre, they tortured and raped the women of our villages, all because they healed t ...

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My Little Brick House

From the day that we are born until the day that we die, we are constantly being programmed, if you take a close look at your parents you may be very surprised at what you see and furthermore even more surprised at what you will learn! We are taught to honor and to love our parents, and we are taught that we must obey them; and all too often self-love is not taught, and more often than not limitations and restrictions are imposed upon our life by the lack of our elder's success, drive, ambition or perhaps it is a direct result from the limitations that were placed upon them by their birthright and by their parents, and the beat goes on! Think about it, who in their right mind would desire to be stuck in a dead end job? How many of us were told by our parents and grand parents that we must work at the post office, piggly wiggly, or some other dreadful institution for meager earnings, job security, and health benefits, instead of being allowed to explore and pur ...

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A Mirror In Time!

True beauty can only be found through love, love of self, and respect for all life should be the ultimate goal for all who reside on Mother Earth, everything that exists on the planet is made up of a series of vibrations; inanimate objects vibrate at much lower frequency than their animate counterparts, an inanimate object cannot feel or react emotionally, a car would be considered an inanimate object, you and I are considered animate objects because we have the capability to feel emotionally, and we possess a soul. I believe that life should be lived and experienced to the fullest, the length of our life is not as important as the quality of life, a life lived well and balanced within nature will be a life long lived! The world is made up of a largely diverse group of people, and every aspect of life is meant to be experienced, at some point on the turn of the wheel the richest of men in this life experienced poverty in one o ...

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A Blessed Initiation!

Today as I walked through the woods I met a lady dressed in black, she wore upon her head a long pointed hat, in her hand she carried a broom made of straw, upon her shoulder sat a raven black as all. Silently I stood there trying to be brave, though somehow I knew that I would soon be her slave! Slowly she approached with her arms opened wide, and I knew I was in trouble for I had no place to hide. She gazed at me for a moment, and then held me tight, she said child come with me and let us dance in the Moon light, and with a wisp of her broom she turned, and into the mist she swayed, and as I followed close behind her, tears of relief flowed from my eyes, and the fear in my heart I set aside! Together we walked a path long and dark searching for that special place to dance in the moon light, that night as we danced I was set free, and soon I would learn the meaning of Blessed Be! The Moon started to fade as twilight turned to day, and these words she spoke before she ...

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Psychic Readings

There are as many different methods of giving a reading as there are people, not all Psychics pull their information using the same method, some Psychics will use the Tarot cards, while others may use a Crystal ball, a bowl of Water for scrying, Mirror gazing and there are still those among us who even read tea leaves, I know a lady who throws the bones and reads ashes from the hearth, I personally utilize many different methods, I give readings based on the birth name, date of birth, life path numbers, as well as drawing the information from spirit using nothing more than my sixth sense. When I give a reading face to face in person I utilize Psychic palmistry, Psychometry, I read from pictures and other objects that my client may bring with them to the reading. One of my most favorite methods is the art of candle gazing, I have been given much information by the flame over the years and I have found it to be a very effective approach to gaining t ...

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